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People with disabilities in Romania are not adequately served by social services and do not have the essential integrated support for equal treatment in the context of human rights. Also, the community has preconceptions and attitudes that do not respect these principles. In addition, the functioning of the support system provided by public and private entities for this target group is not unitary and in some cases it is inefficient.
The project’s main objective is to support the principles of human rights and equal treatment, especially for people with disabilities, by providing integrated social and occupational therapy services, therapeutic and educational physical therapy services, occupational therapy and vocational counseling, psychological counseling and support group, training for care and recovery provided by a medical professional, as well as an improvement on the intervention methods in collaboration with institutional partners and changes towards a positive attitude through information and education campaigns. The necessity of the project lies in needs of the target group considered, the current capacity being insufficient for the existing demand. The expected results of the project are the construction of a building for the counseling center, the provision of 5 social and basic services for 30 persons with disabilities and 50 of their caregivers, the development of 12 sustainable partnerships, 5 information campaigns on human rights addressed to 500 people and the organizational development of the association, through the implementation of an efficient management procedure and a fundraising campaign.
Summary of project results
Through the activities carried out, the project contributed to the reduction of discrimination against people with disabilities, who in Romania are not sufficiently served by social services and do not have the essential integrated support for equal treatment.
As part of the project, the Counseling Center for people with disabilities was built, a building whose ground floor is related to the project, where specific services were provided to the targeted group.
Thus, integrated social services and occupational therapy services, therapeutic and educational physiotherapy, occupational therapy and vocational counseling, psychological counseling and support group, training for care and recovery provided by a medical framework for people with disabilities and their relatives were provided for a number of 54 people with locomotor disabilities and 50 relatives.
12 intersectoral partnerships were signed in order to approach from multiple perspectives the problem of people with locomotor disabilities and to address their needs in a sustainable manner. Also, 5 information campaigns were carried out, campaigns that took place both online and in physical format, totaling 6,314 informed people. Efficient management procedures were developed as well as fundraising capacity in order to develop the capacity to provide integrated and specific counseling and intervention services for people with disabilities.
The construction of the Counseling Center for people with disabilities was very important because it contributed to the provision of social services to the target group by increasing the integrated capacity to provide services to a larger number of beneficiaries. Based on the assessment of the needs of the target group, action plans were developed and a series of intervention lines that included provision of various services, such as: social counseling services where the difficulties encountered were discussed and where support and information was provided for solving the case, respectively referral to the competent institution, vocational counseling, physiotherapy, occupational therapy (specific services and training on recovery with concrete actions that can be done independently), occupational therapy and vocational counseling, psychological counseling and support group and training seminars regarding medical care and recovery were established.
The partnerships concluded within the project along with the awareness campaigns carried out contributed to the dissemination of information regarding the issue addressed and ensured the promotion of the services offered within the project to the target group.
In conclusion, the project was successfully implemented, the proposed objectives were met and the results were achieved