Activating future leaders for Nature protection

Project facts

Project promoter:
Propark Foundation for Protected Areas(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
NFA Romsilva - Mureș Floodplain Natural Park Administration(RO)
NFA Romsilva – Piatra Craiului National Park Administration(RO)
NFA-ROMSILVA - Grădiștea Muncelului Cioclovina Nature Park Administration(RO)

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One of the most important issues is the urgency to conserve the country’s outstanding biodiversity in order to ensure the ecosystem services that are indispensable for society. Also, the level of involvement of the local communities in the decision making process regarding protected areas is very low due to lack of information on their role and legal participatory mechanisms (scientific and advisory councils), but also because the lack of confidence in these mechanisms. The project proposes innovative approaches to increase the degree of information, awareness and involvement of young people in the issues related to protected areas and the importance of involvement in local decision-making processes. Using a unique educational concept, we will encourage civic involvement and participation of young people in a leadership program built on case studies from 5 partner protected areas facing pressures on natural resources or having regulations that do not take into account the needs of local communities. Constituted in groups similar to the advisory and scientific councils, young people will analyse situations related to their community, identify solutions and models of approach and present them to the decision-makers, thus understanding the complexity of a decision-making process and the importance of active involvement in decisions.

An education campaign entitled "Future leaders for nature protection" will be implemented, that will reach high school students from 5 counties, promoting education methods that allow experimentation and use of new technology. The "Future leaders for nature protection " and the leadership program will train young people in the spirit of civic environmental activism, encouraging them to become involved in future decisions regarding protected areas based on the interests of the community. This target group is very sensitive to educational and motivational actions, acting as very efficient "vectors" in transmitting information to adults.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.