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The project aims to respond to three sets of complementary needs that are not covered at public/private level:
1. The need for accurate qualitative and quantitative data on the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) affecting migrant/refugee women and LGBTIQ people, with a focus on the perception of public authorities and refugees towards this phenomenon and the level of knowledge on reporting and support procedures. 2. The need to strengthen the capacity of public authorities to identify, manage and prevent cases of GBV affecting migrant/refugee and LGBTIQ women. 3. The need for tailored services for GBV victims and people at risk of GBV among migrant/refugee and LGBTIQ women, brought together in a comprehensive and coherent multidisciplinary support programme.
The project will improve the response to GBV of the responsible authorities in 5 refugee centres through capacity building sessions focused on changing discriminatory attitudes and creating minimum standards of protection adapted to the needs of migrants/refugees. A multidisciplinary GBV intervention and support programme will also be developed and implemented through the provision of specific services (social, medical, psychological, legal), support groups, participatory consultation sessions, advocacy and sex education courses.
The beneficiaries of the project will be: 200 young refugees, 100 refugee and LGBTQI women (of which 30 are victims of GBV), 75 stakeholders (police, immigration centres, social services, etc.) and 22 NGOs - specialised in the protection of refugees'' rights.
The added value brought by the donor project partner is the development of intercultural sensitivity and understanding of trauma for all those involved in working with refugees. The partner will provide training for public authorities in cities where refugee centres exist and for NGOs involved in providing assistance to refugees and will support the PP with a study visit to Norway.
Summary of project results
The project addressed three sets of complementary needs identified by the Promoter’s experience over 10 years work in the field, needs that not covered at public/private level: the need for accurate qualitative and quantitative data on the prevalence of gender based violence (GBV) affecting migrants/refugees women and LGBTIQ persons; the need to build capacity to identify, manage and prevent GBV cases affecting migrants/refugees; the need for services tailored to GBV victims and people at risk of GBV among migrants/refugees.
Within the project there was conducted research on GBV affecting migrants/refugees in Romania, there were organized capacity building sessions (with the support of the Norwegian partner) focused on changing discriminatory attitudes, creating minimum standards of protection adapted to the needs of migrants/refugees and improving the response to GBV and there was developed and implemented a multidisciplinary GBV intervention and support program (social, medical, psychological, legal), support groups, participatory consultation sessions, advocacy actions and sexual education courses.
83 persons attended capacity building sessions, 130 people participated in sexual education sessions, 231 in psychological, social and/or legal counseling sessions, 106 in support groups, 205 participated in awareness workshops and 15 migrants were involved in activities of advocacy.
Summary of bilateral results
The partner attended the events organized within the project and shared experience from their extensive work with persons exposed to human rights infringement. They were directly involved in providing the capacity building sessions aimed to improve response and develop of minimum standards of intervention and prevention in case of GBV on migrants. The partner facilitated a study visit in Norway, conducted a training for the Promoter''s team and contributed to the elaboration of a guide for specialists working with migrants and refugees - GBV victims.