Teen, 16 years old, located in a rural community: In Romania, my health right is constantly violated!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Semper Musica Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Sex og Samfunn(NO)
Other Project Partners
Center for Partnership and Equality(RO)

More information


Teens aged 15 to 34 represented in 2019 50% of the NEW HIV cases in Romania, here  being registered 17.981 births among teen moms aged between 15 and 19 while  6 out of 10 under aged moms from rural areas never had access to reproductive health education. 82% teens from the rural regions rarely or never discuss with their parents about their sex life debut, sexual and reproductive health education is optional in the educational system and the access of rural teens to contraceptive or sexual and reproductive health education is extremely limited. In 2018, the poverty rate for teens was 32% and the rate of social exclusion and poverty was 38%. The above statistics data are the consequences of the constant violations made by the local authorities on the health right of teens/young people, especially the violation of the sexual and reproductive rights and contraception, although Romania signed the CIPD Action Program with specific objective related to the reproductive health and other human rights treaties. Moreover, Romania doesn’t have a sexual and reproductive health national strategy or an approved HIV/AIDS strategy. In the situation in which the right to health of teens in Romania is constantly violated, Semper Musica Association, together with the Romanian partner, Center for Partnership and Equality – will increase its advocacy capacity to ask the local authorities to respect the right of teens to reproductive health thorugh 20 meetings with public authorities. Also, a study visit will be  organized in Norway and with the help of Sex & Society Association, Semper Musica Association will have access to a best practice program of condom distribution inspired by the Norwegian model. Semper Musica Association will ask 17.053 rural teens about their access to contraception services and education, piloting the Norwegian condom distribution program in Romania, increasing the capacity of 1.000 rural teens to ask the public authorities to respect their health rights.

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