Support for children and their poor families from Maia, Village, Ialomita Region

Project facts

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Other Project Partners
Barbu Catargiu Gymnasium School(RO)


"Our children from insufficiently served areas, without opportunities to participate at online school" project aims ensuring social justice and the inclusion of vulnerable groups, increasing the capacity of 30 families from insufficiently served areas to know and demand their rights on labor market, to access available education services, to develop their integration skills in education, occupancy of 62 children (of which 18 are Roma), as well as a number of 30 adults (of which 6 are Roma), from the families to which these children belong.
Activities: Project Management, Information and  comunication, Supply activities education services: course tablet use,  counceling, New, integrated methods of social inclusion of those 30 families to meets the needs of social services of employment, to the 30 brought / vulnerable group parents, Increasing capacity the target group in the area rural Maia, jud Ialomita, to have access to information on legislation employment, promotion non-discrimination.

Summary of project results

Between the 17th of March and 16th of August 2021, IQ Suport Association in partnership with Barbu Catargiu Maia Secondary School carried out a set of educational and inclusion activities in Maia commune, Ialomița county". The project aimed to reduce disparities between urban and rural areas by providing integrated social and education services, thus facilitating the inclusion and increasing the capacity of a group of over 115 people, adults and children in Maia commune, underserved area of Ialomița County.

30 poor families received a tablet with a case, keyboard and a 2-year internet subscription. The 3 activities - the tablet and basic applications course, the career guidance course and the anti-discrimination course - brought together over 135 participants locally - students and adults - and took place within the school, with experts dedicated to each field - multimedia and youth trainers, monitoring and communication experts, career guidance psychologist, legal trainer, trainer in anti-discrimination activities.

Using the tablets received, 30 adult beneficiaries learned to create an online resume and apply for a job using dedicated platforms -ejobs, bestjobs, consistently correlating their skills with the requirements of the labor market in the chosen field and got to know essential information about their rights and obligations as employees. The 93 children benefited learnt to use the basic applications of the tablet and the Google suite, which they further use in their educational process. Information on implementation, beneficiaries, methods, results, and materials developed in the project - tablet usage guide, employment and employee rights guide, and career guidance guide - are available as free resources on the project website http: //, on the page dedicated to the use of the tablet, as well as on the page dedicated to the project on Facebook The visibility of the program was ensured on all 3 channels mentioned above, on the Facebook page of the association -, the Facebook page of the partner school in the project

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.