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As of December 2019, Romania has a methodology for monitoring segregation in pre-university education and also a ministerial order. In reality the following challenges arise: schools are not equipped to comply, professionals do not have the skills and context to implement intercultural education activities, the school decision curriculum does not include aspects that reflect the culture and history of the minority, but also the context of nonviolent interaction, acceptance of diversity and human rights in the community, the parent-school-student community relationship is deficient.
The project proposes to create the appropriate framework for the respect of the right to education, equal treatment and non-discrimination on ethnic grounds.
The project will be implemented in 7 rural communities in Romania, where the percentage of Roma pupils is almost 50%.
The project results are: An accredited curriculum that facilitates activities on topics such as intercultural education, intercultural diversity, discrimination based on ethnicity (mainly Roma), equity, segregation; development of skills and attitudes such as active citizenship, non-discriminatory behaviour and intercultural acceptance; two public policy proposals (action plan, white paper) submitted to the Ministry of Education, which will provide assurances on education and quality of education for all children, without discrimination based on ethnicity or mother tongue.
The beneficiaries of the project are: 100 education professionals and non-governmental environments at national level, 350 citizens (parents, pupils, young people, teachers) and 210 pupils from the 7 communities mentioned above.
The partner is an organization that promotes respect for the rights of Roma ethnic groups and its role in the project is to support the implementation of the activities and to come up with proposals and opinions so that the mechanisms proposed in the project are tailored to the needs of the target group.
Summary of project results
The need for the project arose from the fact that, starting in December 2019, Romania has a methodology for monitoring school segregation in pre-university education, but lacks application norms for its implementation. In reality, many schools do not comply with the indicators, and teachers lack the necessary competencies and framework to conduct intercultural learning activities. Also, the curriculum does not include aspects addressing the culture and history of the Roma minority, and the contexts for interaction with the community, including relationships between parents-school-student-community, are weak.
The main activities included: 1 complex training program approved by the Ministry of Education and implemented - 109 teachers trained, 8 regional public consultations, 14 intercultural and educational community activities in 7 communities, 1 dissemination event, strengthening relationships with relevant public authorities and other organizations, 14 community activities carried out by 14 teachers in 7 communities, 2193 children and young people with enhanced competencies, 2 public policy documents, 1 public consultation process involving 171 relevant stakeholders, 1 dissemination event with 100 education professionals, 7 partner schools.
The immediate qualitative effects of the project can be observed in the mindset of adult beneficiaries in addressing inequality and discrimination, developed leadership skills, and the desire to act in situations of ethnic discrimination in both formal and informal settings, the courage of beneficiaries to publicly assume their ethnicity with the desire to be a role model, as well as young and child beneficiaries being more self-confident and having a much higher level of empathy and appreciation for diversity. In the long term, the approved program will continue to be implemented, as it has the recognition of the Ministry of Education and represents a priority for the organization. The project reached a total of 2611 beneficiaries.