Partnership for a quality education in multiethnic communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Art Fusion Association(RO)

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In 2018, according to Eurostat, Romania was once again on the first place in Europe in terms of children at risk of poverty and social exclusion – 38.1% (representing the percentage of the population under 18). If over one third of Romanian children live currently in poverty, without having the opportunity to access educational services tailored to their needs – more than that, being marginalized due to cultural stereotypes and differences, in the case of Roma children – a focused, systematic intervention is necessary, in order for these children to be supported, before becoming adults, to acquire the basic skills needed for a decent life. The project is carried out in 4 disadvantaged inter-ethnic communities – Valea Calugareasca and Fulga de Sus  from Prahova, respectively Cotofanesti and Berzunti from Bacau – with the school as the main pillar of the intervention. We develop, with support from the 20 teachers who will be trained as community educators, within 4 inter-ethnic groups of children, key competences – literacy, personal and social development, entrepreneurship, citizenship, cultural awareness and expression etc. As a complementary method, 4 mixed teams of community mobilisers will be prepared and through a series of methods of raising awareness through art (e.g. social theater, PhotoVoice etc), we will involve and empower the Roma children and Roma women from each community to make their voice heard, in an impactful way. This is the aim of the project. Thus, we will bring to the general public the essential needs of the Roma community and support the community mobilization groups to identify needs, create action plans and coagulate community resources for the continuous development of the 4 communities, through a relevant partnership between 2 organizations with complementary expertise: Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation – ART Fusion.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.