EGALIS: Gender Equality through Social Change and Education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Center for Partnership and Equality(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Equality and Human Rights Action Centre(RO)
Front Association(RO)
National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men(RO)
Plural Association(RO)
Sex vs The Stork Association(RO)
Society For Feminist Analyses AnA(RO)


Starting with the premise that gender equality should be a fundamental value in our society, the EGALIS project aims to take action in the field that can generate the deepest change: education. The Romanian education system fails to integrate gender equality in the school curricula, schoolbooks and in teachers’ training, allowing teachers to fend against their own stereotyped views alone. These educational gaps are mirrored in society: the latest gender Barometer (2018) showed that prejudices on the roles of women and men in the family, in the workplace and in public life prevail.
EGALIS will act in 2 main directions: Educating young people and offering teachers training and new methodologies that aims to deconstruct prejudices against feminism, using diverse and complementary intervention instruments: The "Feminism for All" Kit,  Youtube videos, infographics, an interactive game, WikiGap hackathons, reading shows, the Guide for Teaching Gender Equality in Pre-University Education and Advocacy for widely use of the new created instruments in the educational processes, formulating proposals to update the occupational standard for the “gender expert” profession in Romania in order to widen its applicability and bring gender equality closer to institutions and companies, offering legal counselling and court representation in cases of discrimination and gender violence. 520 young people between the ages of 14 and 25 will be made aware by participating in direct activities, 20,000 young people will be informed through online educational activities, 30 teachers will be involved in testing new educational tools.
Project partners are part of the Coalition for Gender Equality. Beyond the expertise in the field of gender equality, the partners have experience in complementary fields: ANA in deconstructing gender stereotypes, FRONT in organizing feminist events, Plural in working with young people, ACTEDO in legal support, Sex vs. Stork in innovative communication tools.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.