COMPASS - COMmunity, PArticipation, SuStenability

Project facts

Project promoter:
Concordia Humanitarian Organisation(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Real Life Education Association(RO)
The Federation of Nongovernmental Organizations for Social Services - FONSS(RO)

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At national level vulnerable groups targeted by the project (Roma, youth, children and families at risk) have a low level of participation in decision making processes, which causes a big gap between the authority’s agenda and the real needs of the people.

We target all decision-making levels from 40 communities at national level from both rural and urban areas. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of vulnerable groups from underserved communities to participate in decision making activities at local level and increase the quality standards of social service providers in order to maximize their impact in the communities.

Day centers for children and families at risk are the most valuable resource in underserved communities, but many times this resource is inaccessible due to poor finance or does not exist at all. Therefore, a key element of the project is the national network of day centers organizing for the first-time professionals working in day centers with various professional backgrounds. In this respect, the project will bring together at least 40 day centers and a minimum of 60 professionals that will benefit from the project activities by participating in accredited courses, advocacy and financial coaching. At the end of the project, day centers will increase their capacity of fundraising, good quality service delivery and skills development.

A total of 1068 professionals, stakeholders and vulnerable people will be directly engaged during project implementation with over 600 vulnerable people beneficiaries of direct services. 

Project partners and Promoter are organizations with specific agendas to improve the life of vulnerable people adding value to the civil society at large.

The project will contribute to the 4 Program priorities of the Donor by increasing the inclusion of youngsters and Roma, operate in and build the capacity of underserved communities and strengthen the capacity of civil society in Romania.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.