Voice of the homeless citizens

Project facts

Project promoter:
Resource Center for Public Participation(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Carusel Association(RO)

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Instead of staying there I preferred to leave at 1:00 AM in the night and sleep on the streets (February 2020) – man experiencing homelessness, referring to the conditions in the Sf. Ioan Night Shelter – a social service managed by the Bucharest Municipality through the Department for Social Assistance. He continues to tell us about scabs, bed bugs, no access to toilets or showers. He has no ID, he is a daily worker on a construction site. The money he gets are not enough to pay rent. 
He is one of the rough-sleepers on the streets of Bucharest. There are many alike – some are elders, ill, having addictions or mental disorders. Nobody knows how many they are. What we know is that, during winters, the few night shelters are overcrowded. We also know that until May 2019, 14,178 requests for a social house were submitted in Bucharest and the Municipality had 13 houses to allocate.
Our project combines the experience of Carusel (social services) with CeRe’s experience (community organizing and advocacy). As homelessness is completely ignored by the City Municipality, we will endorse it on the public, administrative and political agenda of Bucharest. In the long run, we seek to empower these citizens so that they are willing, able and ready to defend the rights and interests of their community.
We start by working with 40 people, in a process that includes community organizing, advocacy, PhotoVocie, socializing and knowing each other, a communication campaign. The 40 people will be involved, together with allies, in planning and implementing advocacy activities leading to solving of specific problems they previously identified. Along this process, we work to overcome some of the many involvement barriers that they have.
Finally, we will promote and discuss this new methodology and experience with other service providers, so that they get inspired to include their clients in advocacy and community organizing work.

Summary of project results

The Voice of the Homeless Citizens was the common effort of Resource Center for Public Participation (CeRe) and Carusel Association to put homelessness on the public agenda and to support those affected to make their voices heard.

The project started with a research that was presented to the authorities during a round table and later through various advocacy actions (petitions, hearings, recommendations on some public policy projects, articles and podcasts published in a famous newspaper). The beneficiaries were prepared throughout the project in how to express their opinion to state authorities through different means: individual and group discussions, a PhotoVoice process, the publication of a volume of poetry written by a homeless citizen. Subsequently, the project created various contexts in order to facilitate the meetings between the beneficiaries and the directly responsible authorities, such as 5 community dinners, a debate and a round table, PhotoVoice openings (PhotoVoice meant guiding 12 people to take photos accompanied by messages that speak about their lives. These were displayed in 3 public exhibitions and sent to local councillors as post cards). A Manifesto drafted with the help of homeless citizens, summarizing their expectations of the state institutions, also reached the directly involved authorities. The communication component focused both on the voice of homeless citizens (video materials, podcasts, photos, media appearances) and on the messages of supporters: 5 well-known people supported the cause of homeless citizens through video materials that talk about extreme living conditions.

The project empowered homeless individuals and community, engaged local authorities, amplified citizen engagement, and influenced decision makers to create positive changes for this vulnerable group. Through one-on-one discussions with 23 homeless individuals, a "Homeless Needs Map" was created. This process empowered beneficiaries, helping them articulate their challenges with newfound clarity and confidence in authorities'' assistance. Shortly after organizing a round table discussion, the Vice Mayor of Bucharest''s 3rd District initiated a dialogue on local measures, and a representative from the 5th District''s Social Assistance and Child Protection Directorate visited the ILO Center in Ferentari to enhance services, fostering collaboration and a comprehensive approach
to addressing homelessness. Involving 11 beneficiaries in PhotoVoice activities provided a unique method of self-expression, raising awareness among local councillors and citizens. This engagement encouraged greater understanding of the issues faced by homeless individuals. The project engaged 51 homeless individuals in individual and group meetings, promoting community organization. Participants experienced an increase in self-esteem, acquired valuable skills and knowledge, formed group consciousness, and gained a heightened awareness of their rights. This empowerment has led to a more resilient and informed homeless community. The project successfully raised awareness by exposing over 150 decision-makers to homelessness issues. Beyond sensitization, advocacy actions produced concrete results, such as the installation of lockers for secure storage of belongings and the organization of a Covid vaccination campaign accessible to those without identification.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.