Roma Capacity and Empowerment through Lobby and Action

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation ""Together"" Community Development Agency(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Center for Education and Human Rights(RO)
Roma Center for Health Policies - Sastipen(RO)


The project "Empowerment and Empowerment of Roma through Lobby and Action" aims to increase the capacity of vulnerable groups in 12 rural interethnic communities in Romania over a period of 18 months. It is implemented by a solid partnership consisting of 3 Roma NGOs: Agentia Impreuna (applicant) with over 20 years of experience in community development, advocacy and interculturality; Sastipen organization (partner 1) with 13 years of experience in developing intervention methodologies at community level and communication strategies between community and local authorities; ACEDO organization (partner 2) with 6 years of experience working with disadvantaged groups with a focus on education and social inclusion.    
The main issue addressed is the low involvement of citizens in the life of communities in which are also part of decision making.
The project has a bottom-up approach that emphasizes the use of existing resources at local level and the formation of active voices at community level able to put the needs of disadvantaged groups on the agenda of local authorities. Thus, community facilitation activities will be carried out in 12 interethnic rural communities materialized in 12 local representation groups formed and mobilized, and subsequently formalized in NGOs; 120 members of vulnerable groups will have increased skills to respond to challenging issues related to respect for human rights, self-esteem, relationship with local authorities; 24 Roma experts and leaders participate in a comprehensive training program for Roma leaders contributing to their empowerment to become agents of change at local and regional level, 12 advocacy campaigns will be conducted and 660 people will be mobilized to get involved in community life.

Summary of project results

The main problem addressed through the project was the reduced involvement of citizens in the life of the communities they belong to and in decision-making.

The project had a "bottom-up" approach that focused on leveraging existing resources at the local level and training active voices at the community level capable of putting the needs of disadvantaged groups on the agenda of local authorities. 12 inter-ethnic initiative groups were established and the members of these groups were supported and empowered to actively contribute to solving the problems and needs of the communities that were participatorily identified. The support was achieved through the community development approach, 6 training courses addressed to GIL members, 2 training modules addressed to Roma experts and leaders, experience exchanges, advocacy meetings, a Roma history course addressed to teaching staff from the facilitated communities.

Outcomes and impacts: 12 teachers have increased knowledge and skills about the history of the Roma and carried out activities to promote the history of the Roma and interculturality in the classes, in which 363 Roma and non-Roma students participated. 8 of the 12 local initiative groups were formalized in non-governmental organizations. 933 people belonging to vulnerable groups in the 12 communities were mobilized to get involved in community life, 46% of them being Roma. 221 vulnerable people benefited from capacity building measures and 193 people from vulnerable groups were consulted. The 3 organizations benefited from organizational development processes through which they developed their organizational governance procedures. Also, they had 6 courses organized for the development and empowerment of GIL representatives 45 (single persons) of GIL members and community representatives (Roma and non-Roma) improved their skills and knowledge in the areas of: (1) community development, (2) writing and project management, (3) human rights and non-discrimination, (4) identity and self-esteem, (5) relations with APL, (6) public policies for Roma.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.