EDURIGHTS4GIRLS- Equal access to education

Project facts

Project promoter:
GO-AHEAD Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Neamt County School Inspectorate(RO)
Suceava School Association for Education and Development ASSED(RO)

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Girls from disadvantaged environments (rural areas) who study mainly in vocational schools/ technology high schools face stereotypes and discouragement regarding further studies and gaining financial independence. Besides poverty and social exclusion, there is an increased incidence of school dropout, financial dependence on males, premature pregnancies (58 cases in the last 3 years), and increased aggression. The Northeast region has the population with the highest risk of poverty and social exclusion in Romania.
The project aims to inform, educate and raise the level of awareness among students and teachers, in particular, on equal opportunities, and respect for civil rights and freedoms. Thus, the project activities will take place in 14 schools located in Neamt and Suceava counties, in urban and rural areas (the most vulnerable areas in Romania). Will be provided personal development, counseling, and therapy to 480 girls in vulnerable situations; 210 teachers will be trained in what concerns personal development and therapy and more than 2,000 people (students, parents, teachers, and principals mainly from these 14 schools, other actors in the community) will be exposed to awareness and monitoring campaigns.
The project aims to achieve long-term results, as the process of empowering women will bring with it a balance in terms of equal opportunities among these communities, which are strongly patriarchal at the moment and which do not place enough emphasis on women''s professional and personal development.
The project promoter is an important national training provider on personal development topics for students and teachers while the partners are key stakeholders that will ensure the participation of schools and high schools in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.