Human Rights for All

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Other Project Partners
Margineni Prison(RO)
Mioveni Prison(RO)
Ploiesti Prison(RO)


The proposed project aims to raise awareness on human rights and equal treatment, addressing the following under-served groups: 1. At least 360 prisoners from Ploiesti, Mioveni and Margineni Prisons. Out of which, the Promotor have proposed that at least 220 should be aged between 18 and 34, and at least 80 of them following to be released. 2. Free citizens, 100 young people aged between 14 and 18, out of which 80 are institutionalized children, among which 12 Roma children. In order to achieve the proposed results and objectives, they will be involved in participating in information and awareness sessions on human rights and will have the following benefits: 1. Prisoners and young people will better understand what their rights are and what they can do in the situation in which their rights are violated. 2. On the long term, prisoners will understand what human rights are and will no longer violate them 3. On the long term, young people will understand what human rights are and will not engage in actions that violate them, which can have serious consequences for them. The added value of the three involved Prisons is given by the direct access to the persons from the target group insufficiently served proposed for the implementation of the project. The added value of the Norwegian partner is given by their experience in project management from non-refundable funds and projects on human rights issues, with the participation of young people, respectively the experience in creating and sustaining the related trainings. The continuity of the project after finalization will be done through the website created within the project, which will have a section dedicated to receiving notices regarding the violation of human rights in prisons, but also any other issues on human rights in general.

Summary of project results

The European Convention for Human Rights found that the situation in Romania''s prisons contravenes the convention, with precedence over detention conditions in penitentiaries, which do not meet international standards, therefore the rights detainees are violated. Proposed project aims to raised awareness on human rights and equal treatment. In order to achieve the proposed results and objectives, they were involved persons from 3 penitentiaries from Romania in participating in information and awareness sessions on human rights. The added value of the Norwegian partner was given by their experience in project management from non-refundable funds and projects on human rights issues.

In the framework of the project, information and awareness sessions were held for persons in detention and young free citizens, on topics related to human rights and the role of civil society. There were also meetings with lawyers and target group, the creation and publication of a magazine for persons in detention. In addition, there were activities of organizational development and realization of internal procedures, regulation of internal order, exchange of experience with the partner from Norway. As an unplanned result, there was a significant surge in both incoming messages and hits to the organization website and Facebook page. The prisoners requested to perpetuate the posts on the website and on the Facebook page, helping them to understand Human Rights in general, and of the prisoners.

The project addressed to insufficiently served groups, through the participation of 876 beneficiaries, of which 845 prisoners in custody in the partner units as well as 105 young free citizens by beneficiaries, of which 845 prisoners in custody in the partner units as well as 105 young free citizens by organized a 48 sessions and info-awareness sessions from which 22 information sessions on human rights, 11 info-awareness sessions on the rights of detainees, 14 information sessions on the role of civil society in the protection of human rights, 1 information session on human rights among free citizens. One of the main results was the participation of the members of the Association, in the exchange of experience with internal and external partners.

Produced deliverables: flyers, online magazines, the Association''s website and Facebook page. They all had an important role for the beneficiaries to know the activities of the Organization, the fundamental human rights and freedoms provided for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of Romania. Lessons learned: punctuality in the performance of tasks and assignments within the established parameters.

Summary of bilateral results

The added value of the Norwegian partner was given by their experience in project management from non-refundable funds and projects on human rights issues.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.