Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Democracy Education Respect(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Constantin Brailoiu High School of Arts Targu Jiu(RO)
Elvira Godeanu Theater Targu Jiu(RO)
Research Network on Resources Economics and Bioeconomy Association(RO)


According to UNICEF data, Romania is number one in Europe regarding the number of pupils between ages 11 and 15 who aggress other colleagues. Almost half of the children in Romania, 46%- were at one point victims of bullying, 53% of them being girls and 47% boys. During the period October 2011- Octomber 2013, The Childs Phone Association had recorded 2907 cases of bullying in Romania, 45, 72% of the cases being physical violence, 22,86% verbal violence, 15,24% emotional abuse and 14.28% relational abuse. Among the effects of the bullying phenomena there had been registered: depressions and behaviour disorders (33,15%), exclusion and relational difficulty( 29, 78%), suicidal thoughts (15,17%), fear and anxiety (12,92%), identity and loneliness crisis (4.49%). (https://ro. ). According to Brandwatch, Romania is number one in Europe regarding school harassment. 
The victims of aggression can develop depression, anxiety, can record weak results in school and can develop suicidal thoughts. The statistics presented by the organization "Save the children" shows that 78% of the pupil in Romania assisted to repeated situations in which a child was shoved or easily hit by others and 80% assisted to moments when a pupil was publicly humiliated by other colleagues. 

Summary of project results

The Project “Passivity does not stop Bullying” began in January 2021 as a response to an important problem: according to Brandwatch, Romania is number one in Europe regarding the number of pupils between ages 11 and 15 who aggress other colleagues. Almost half of the children’s in Romania - 46% were at one point victims of bullying. The victims of aggression can develop depression, anxiety, can record weak results in school and can develop suicidal thoughts. The aim of the project was to raise the awareness about the harmful effects of bullying among High School students and teachers. 

The promoter organised 14 interactive seminars in 32 schools in Gorj county, for 418 students and 37 teachers, presenting different bullying situations through short play scenes performed by voluntary art high school students. A short video about the effects of bulling was created and presented to 877 participants (students, teachers, parents) in 13 workshops organized in urban and rural schools in Gorj and Prahova counties. 750 beneficiary students also attended the theatre play “Paper planes”.

During the implementation period, the promotor, The Association for Democracy, Education, Respect, developed the organizational capacities to: * communicate and increase the awareness about the importance of voluntary work (online campaign), to * offer services for abused students (a dedicated email address: and a procedure for engaging schools in this phenomena), to * attract funds (organizing 2 public events – concert and theatre play in open air. Through all the implemented activities the promotor succeeded to raise awareness about the harmful effects of the bullying for over 1300 High School students in Gorj county.  In order to prevent and find solutions for bullying situations, partnerships between local civil society and High Schools in Gorj county, have been initiated.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.