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The project aim is to tackle the challenges identified in Archita: pronounced social disparity, community fragmentation, low occupancy rate, lack of recreation spaces, low civic involvement and few volunteering initiative.
The activities within the project aim to empower the vulnerable groups (especially roma people) in Archita, through investments in community infrastructure, but also in creative and experimental learning activities, for the civic activation of the entire community.
One of the most important result is to create a nucleus of youngsters, members of the civic club the BARN (Clubul ȘURA), to invest in their personal development, involving them in creative, inclusive, and interactive workshops.
Involving vulnerable groups, especially Roma, in the local decision and community development process is another important result of the project. The entire community of Archita is living in a vulnerable environment: no access to medical services, no utilities, no public transport, low school attendance, low employment rate, etc. Organizing regular consultations of community members and supporting them to advocate for their rights is one step forward to make this vulnerable group visible for decision making actors.
The sustainable approach of the project includes among social/cultural/environmental, also economic interventions. Within the project are foreseen several activities to strengthen local entrepreneurship and encourage community members to valorise local resources to start rural businesses, which take into consideration social aspects.
Direct beneficiaries of the project are 210 people - children, youth, and adults from Archita, of which 25% expected from Roma community members, other non-governmental organizations, team members and volunteers of Mihai Eminescu Trust.
Summary of project results
The "ȘURA – Inclusive Civic Engagement Laboratory" project addressed challenges identified in the village of Archita, Mureș County: • Lack of civic and educational infrastructure: Low civic engagement and limited access to non-formal educational activities have affected social cohesion. • Poverty and unemployment: Residents face low living standards and few economic opportunities.
The project''s activities impacted 418 people, 248 of whom were from Archita,163 are Roma community members or in another vulnerable situation. Key Activities: The establishment of the "SURA" Civic Activism Club and the "Inclusive Civic Education Program" successfully involved 137 children, of whom 70 are of Roma. The "Grassroots Democracy" activities and "Involvement in Local Economy Development" engaged 160 people in the integrated program, including 85 Roma individuals. Organizational development activities strengthened the MET team and contributed to raising awareness of the role of civil society organizations
Project Results: • Improved social cohesion: 248 residents participated in project activities, collaborating and achieving beneficial results for the entire community. • Increased economic opportunities: The project contributed to attracting visitors to events organized in the community, and 29 villagers participated in actions to engage in local economy development. • Increased civic engagement: 83 residents, especially the younger generation, actively participated in community volunteer activities. • Organizational development of the MET Foundation: The project''s implementation contributed to improving the image of civil society among over 200,000 people. The ȘURA project had a transformative impact on the Archita community, highlighting the importance of integrated and sustainable approaches in revitalizing multi-ethnic rural communities.