Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body

Project facts

Project promoter:
TB - Think Big Organization(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Buciumeni School(RO)
Constantin Secareanu School(RO)

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The majority of the young population from Buciumeni and Runcu are working in the big factories from Fieni, Pucioasa and Ulmi, in the COVID supported hospitals from Pucioasa and Targoviste, and in the markets and supermarkets in the area, often exposed to COVID infection. As a result, their children are often under a great psychologic pressure because of their parents’ exposure at work. In addition to this, the two schools from Buciumeni and Runcu do not have a psychologist or school counselor to offer support to the pupils and parent. In these conditions, coupled with the fear that the number of COVID-19 infections is on the rise in DB county, when contacted, the parents were reserved to sending their children to school, are not prepared for online schooling, are worried about their families’ health and are accusing one another of the possibility of activating a COVID-19 hot point. The pupils and their parents, who are exposed to infections at work, are therefore also exposed to discrimination, as revealed in our online discussion with the class representatives. Think Big Organization has decided to offer help through psychological and medical guidance, offering a protection kit and supporting advocacy initiatives on a local level to the pupils from Buciumeni and Runcu schools, studying in middle school, to the parents directly exposed to Covid-19 infection due to their work and have children in this target group, and to the teachers. The project is in partnership with „Constantin Secareanu” and „Scoala Gimnaziala Buciumeni” schools and has 3 objectives: 1. Psychological counseling through group therapy to 50 parents, 50 pupils and 32 teachers; 2. Informing the same group about Coronavirus and adapting a healthy life, providing safety equipment; 3 offering guidance and information about rights and responsabilities in pandemic time, teaching advocacy techniques through non-formal education and supporting the group to open up communication with local authorities.

Summary of project results

The Think Big Association decided to help 132 students, parents and teachers through psychological counseling, information and support for local advocacy initiatives in two rural schools.

The two schools from Buciumeni and Runcu do not have a psychologist or school counselor to offer support to the

pupils and parent. In these conditions, coupled with the fear that the number of COVID-19 infections is on the rise in DB county, when contacted, the parents were reserved to sending their children to school and are not prepared for online schooling.

The psychological counseling consisted of 43 group sessions and 14 individual ones and was oriented towards addressing the psychological problems given by the pandemic context, both personally (at home, in the family, in the relationship with the other) and professionally (in the case of teachers in particular) and achieved results such as alleviating psychological dysfunctions and emotional distress; restoring adaptive functionality; focusing on what can be controlled, such as: taking care of oneself and one''s loved ones, maintaining a healthy lifestyle; accepting negative healthy emotions that are adaptive during this period.

Two events were organized to promote a healthy lifestyle among students, online medical advice to all registered participants, information panels were installed in school toilets, a video with the rules was created and disseminated by students with the rules of infection prevention in schools, a one-day camp was organized with students enrolled in the project with non-formal education activities and physical and recreational activities in nature to promote a healthy lifestyle - students socialized, made new friends and disconnected from everyday problems.

Informative materials and sanitary materials were distributed to all participants as health support. Students and parents received legal advice, and learned about advocacy through 12 workshops per school and guides, also an advocacy group was formed to participate in meetings with school leaders and local authorities.

The visibility of the financier was ensured by all the promotional materials made, awards, informative materials, public posts and media presence.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.