Small active rural communities in Odorhei microregion - ProActive Rural

Project facts

Project promoter:
Insert / Association for Innovation and Resources INSERT(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Hungarian Association for Community Development(HU)
Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation(RO)

More information


The main objective of ProActive Rural project is reducing the financial-administrative and service gap existing in Harghita county between the administrative center of the communes and some villages in the perimeter of the communes. Due to this gap there are certain areas in the county that are under-served by the local municipality of the communes, which are materialized in the form of information deficiency, lack of adequate services, lack of partial or total collaboration between neighboring communities, lack of initiative and local mobilization to solve certain problems either using own resources in the community and / or by increasing the degree of innovation. The project will be implemented through a partnership between three NGOs, of which two NGOs from Romania and one NGO from Hungary. The applicant has 3 years experience in the activities implemented by the organization and 20 years professional experience in project management, the project partners have 7-10 years experience in carrying out and implementing the specific project activities. Thus, the OSCF partner will implement activities for development, involvement and stimulation of community civic participation, and the KOFE partner will implement the training activities with the engagement of 6-8 trainers who will work in the training process of the members of the Local Initiative Group (GIL). The GILs will be made up of about five people / community, so a total of 25 people / project and will play an important role in group identification of local community problems, mobilization of community members, identification of local solutions to existing problems, enhancement innovative approach in solving problems, mobilizing resources from the community and through these efforts to contribute to reducing / disappearing the insufficiency of serving the community concerned. As a result, the project will increase the degree of awareness and civic involvement in solving its own problems.

Summary of project results

The project was launched on December 17, 2020 with the aim of increasing the active involvement of small underserved rural communities in the Odorhei microregion in solving local problems through the sustainable use of local natural and human resources. Following an application process, the following communities were selected: Arvateni, Badeni, Chinușu, Firtusu, Aluniș, Mujna. The communities benefited from a training and mentoring process. There were three working sessions with the GILs from the 6 communities on the themes: 1. local resources and the team, 2. activation, 3. resources and sustainability. There was also an online session where case studies from Hungary were presented. Following these sessions and the mentoring process, the GILs developed the knowledge and skills of community development, concretizing the involvement of the community in the definition of a community project with active participation of the community. Concrete results: Arvateni renovated the only community space, Badeni edited a book about the history of the village, Chinusu started the development of a village playground, Firtusu developed the community kitchen with means, Alunis renovated a hall for young people, Muja developed the team and a web page with community involvement. Parallel to these activities, the project''s communication activities were carried out on the organization''s web page and the project''s Facebook page. During the project, the organizational development of the INSERT Association took place, respectively the organizational strategy and the management book were developed. The final event of the project organized on July 29 was a mini-conference where the community projects and their current status were presented. During this event, the communities expressed their desire to organize a meeting every 3 months with the participation of each community to keep in touch.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.