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The main project objective is to provide opportunities for quality employment to vulnerable young people at poverty risk such as orphans, children of working poor people, young people in rural areas, single parents, minority groups, young graduates.
For the period of 30 months since the start of the project we have developed and we implement a joint training program for specialised digital competences, such as digital design, graphics, 3D animation and game design for these young people that otherwise cannot afford to obtain hi-tech knowledge due to restrictions coming from their financial situation.
So far, the trainings have met with great interest. Approximately 200 youngsters have participated in the 3D animation and graphic design courses in Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Greece, Latvia and Romania. Within the framework of courses, young people not only learned the theory, they have created their own videos, photos, 3D concepts, t-shirt layouts.
Through the specific knowledge received through the courses trainees gain more chances to realise themselves on the labor market – 2 of our graduates started work in the creative industry, 15 continue their training and education after finishing our courses, 5 collaborate with companies in the field of 3D animation, 5 started their own business.
Our team is proud about the results achieved so far, as they prove that we have succeeded in our mission to motivate young people to continue their education and to raise their competitiveness in the creative industries labour market.
Summary of project results
The risk of poverty and the lack of opportunities for young people to receive hi-tech education in partner countries was a huge barrier to their personal development.
Project CODE addressed the situation by providing specialized digital skills, motivation support, and carreer guidance to vulnerable young people at poverty risk between 15-29 years to give them a chance for continuous education and personal realization in the creative industries.
Project partners have jointly developed and implemented a training programme for specialized digital competencies and established evaluation rules that were later upgraded and adapted to the specific needs of the training, and in reference to COVID-19 restrictions.
For the whole period, 12 training courses in graphic design and 14 training courses in 3D animation were held in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Greece, Romania, and Italy. As there was a great interest, partners organized additional training. They have educated 384 youngsters in total and have reached more than 832 stakeholders.
Due to the coronavirus situation experts modified the training to distant learning, thus giving a chance to a great number of students from distant regions, socially and healthy disadvantaged youngsters to acquire specialized skills. Teachers developed and applied innovative and flexible learning approaches, participants were psychologically supported by a motivational online tool, especially elaborated for the Project purposes.
12 of the project graduates started work, 34 continued education, 11 are collaborating in the field, and 6 started business, others sold their products. Through motivating young people to continue their education and by raising their competitiveness in the creative industries, the project partners stimulated their activity in to their place of living thus enhancing the development of creative industries in their regions.
CODE Project was awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia for "Best in working with young people in 2020”.