Supporting Employment Platform through Apprenticeship Learning - SEPAL

Project facts

Lead project partner:
Bucovina Institute for Social Partnership(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Beneficiary partners:
Foundation of Social and Economic Initiatives KOMES(PL)
Human Resources Monitoring and Development Bureau(LT)
Pere Closa Private Foundation(ES)

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The project aims at developing an innovative model to evaluate and develop the competencies of minimum 300 NEETs aged between 24 and 29 years old from different vulnerable groups (low-skilled, at risk of poverty, migrants, people with mental and physical disabilities, and Roma people), and supporting them through the Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE) and Local Stakeholder Committees (LSC) models in accessing apprenticeship and learning on the job stages, based on a transnational partnership. The beneficiaries our project benefit from a 6-month program of learning through experience through apprenticeship stages in social enterprises and internship stages in private entities, receiving a certificate that highlights competencies which they developed or obtained by learning on the job.

Among the project’s outputs, the following can be mentioned: training of 15 WISE experts, training of 25 LSCs to support the employability of the NEETs, an online platform to facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of the young people, but also several resources that are already available online: Innovation Book, Apprenticeship Book, Work-based Training Book.

SEPAL Coalition is another output of the project, aiming at improving partners’ capacity to assist NEETs’ integration on the labor market through preparing a common action plan of intervention at EU level. A final international conference will be organised, where the project results will be communicated.

We also managed to organise a series of online events “Let’s NEET Together”, inviting all the projects funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants’ Fund for Youth Employment, which turned into a European movement, during which the other projects had the opportunity to exchange best practices, sharing their innovative solutions, tools, models or methods they use, and, last but not least, their success stories.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.