HOPE - HOlistic radicalisation Prevention initiativE

Project facts

Lead project partner:
Qualify Just - IT Solutions and Consulting Lda(PT)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Beneficiary partners:
Bucharest-Jilava Penitentiary(RO)
Bulgarian Association for Policy Evaluation(BG)
General Directorate "Execution of Sentences" (GDES) at the Ministry of Justice(BG)
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia(RS)
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia
Probation Administration(SI)
National Trade Union of Prison Policemen(RO)
Expertise partners:
Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies(ES)
Foundation Agenfor International(IT)
University College of Norwegian Correctional Service(NO)

More information


The project strives to create a network that supports continuous training and knowledge sharing in the Balkan, Southern and Eastern European countries. Such a network will be called European Learning Hub on Radicalisation. This network will comprise training providers (incl. national sectoral training academies), research centres (from the public and private sector), and prison and probation services. These organisations play an active role in preventing and countering radicalisation and violent extremism.

The European Learning Hub on Radicalisation aims to improve the transition from prison and/or probation to the community, for those at risk of radicalisation or who have already been radicalised. Hence, the project adds value to the European discussion on radicalisation, violent extremism, and deradicalisation/disengagement strategies, focusing on the vulnerabilities of the Balkan, Southern and Eastern European states. Despite its regional focus, the project should contrast different regional approaches and ensure the transferability of the project results to the broader European context.

The project will achieve the results by promoting a holistic prevention approach focusing on offenders, criminal justice staff, and community organisations.

Among our main specific objectives are:

  1. The development of innovative multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning to raise awareness, foster overall knowledge and improve radicalisation prevention skills within a network of stakeholders;
  2. The improvement of the skillset of judicial, prison and probation professionals on how to identify and prevent radicalisation. At the same time, also the improvement of the skills of community organisations’ staff (including religious organisations) on how to deal with offenders at the prevention, management and intervention stages. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.