Reducing the Consumption and Disposal of Single-use Plastics in the Tourism Industry in Cyprus, Greece and Malta

Project facts

Lead project partner:
Aspon Consulting Ltd(CY)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Beneficiary partners:
AIS Environmental(MT)
Cyprus Hotel Association(CY)
Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry(GR)

More information


Six partners in Cyprus, Malta and Greece come together through the project aiming to reduce the consumption, disposal and impacts of single-use plastics (SUP) in the tourism sector.

We will select a sample of at least three tourist establishments per region. Then, the partners will support those samples via pilots to move to sustainable resource-efficient business models that will identify and replace commonly used SUP with environmentally friendlier and affordable alternatives. The pilot samples will be supported in replacing SUP via a bespoke free web-based decision-support tool (DST) that will be developed. The DST will present viable and available alternatives to the most commonly used SUP taking into consideration the cost and environmental impacts of each alternative across its life-cycle.

Following the completion of the pilots, best practise guides will be developed that will present the findings of the pilots, the impacts of plastic waste on human health and the environment, how to reduce SUP in the tourism and other sectors and what environmentally friendlier and affordable alternatives are available.

The project is expected to bring about change in the coastal pilot areas in Cyprus, Greece and Malta by reducing the consumption and disposal of SUP that leak into and have detrimental impacts as litter on marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.