Reclaim our Civil Space! - from local to European

Project facts

Lead project partner:
Ökotárs - Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation(HU)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Beneficiary partners:
Bulgarian Environmental Partnership Foundation(BG)
Civil Society Development Foundation(RO)
Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation - CEPF(CZ)
Ekopolis Foundation(SK)
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union - HCLU(HU)
Partnership Fund(PL)
Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation(RO)
Youth Initiative for Human Rights(RS)
Expertise partners:
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee(NO)

More information


The project aims at addressing the trends of democratic backsliding and shrinking civil space observed for the past years particularly in Central and South-eastern Europe.

We came together because we believe in our work and in the power of civil society to build healthier societies from the bottom up. Our organisations are from different countries with different backgrounds, but the challenges we face and the changes we strive for in this region bind us together. This project is our common effort to improve the quality of our democracies through strengthening civil society actors in Central and South-eastern Europe.

The project is implemented by 10 organisations from 8 countries between 2020-2023: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Norway as expert partner.

Our main objectives are

  • broadening the grassroots basis and constituency of civil society;
  • mapping, training and mobilising activist groups and movements;
  • linking this local level to the regional and the European;
  • developing together the outlines of a comprehensive European civil society policy.

Activities will be carried out along 3 levels:

  1. National: organising trainings and workshops, mentoring support particularly to organisations/groups in rural regions, while taking into account the specificities of individual countries;
  2. Regional: holding cross-border workshops and networking meetings with at least 3 countries represented at each;
  3. European: international conferences in Budapest, Brussels and Prague, developing expert and policy papers.

Our vision is a thriving civil space in a democratic and enabling environment, where people take action, get organised and advocate for their interests together freely, without fear or restrictions. We believe in a society where everybody is capable of improving their own life and environment and is provided with the opportunity to live up to their potential.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.