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The aim of the project is to increase the application of circular economy principles through the reduction of contribution from land-based sources of marine plastic littering. It also aims to promote Ocean Literacy and the Protection and Preservation of the Sea, integrated in educational systems, in information to citizens, in the training of technicians at the administrative and business level. LIPOR, in its area of operation, in partnership with IPDJ, with coverage at the national level, through this CANDIDATE OPERATION – THERE IS RIVER AND SEA, THERE IS WASTE TO TRANSFORM, intends to develop a set of initiatives and tools that promote continuous participation and Continued Ocean Literacy and Protection and Preservation of the Sea integrated in educational systems, information to citizens, training of technicians at the administrative and business levels. The project''s outputs will be 0.473 Tons of recycled plastic, 307 prevention and awareness campaigns supported and 3 voluntary actions supported. The project includes activities such as sessions aimed at raising awareness of marine litter and the impact of our attitudes and choices, as well as the importance of prevention in the production of plastics, development of a board game, plogging, campaigns with advice on what citizens can apply in their daily lives to refuse products packaged in single-use plastic, clarification sessions for fishermen, tour operators, auction officials and beach concessionaires and communication campaigns to raise community awareness of protecting the marine environment, preventing and combating oil in the marine environment.
Summary of project results
This project aimed to develop a set of initiatives and tools that intensely and continuously promote Ocean Literacy and the Protection and Preservation of the Sea integrated into educational systems, information for citizens, and training of technicians at administrative and business levels.
1. Dissemination of the project to educational establishments
2. Publicizing the project within the community
3. Dissemination of the project to a specific audience
4. Literacy
5. Promotion and Publicity
The project addressed the general public, not only at local but also at national level, including specific activities for children and with schools.
The main results were:
8 Participants in the national Short Film competition
1000 Best Practice Guides
399 KG Material collected in Plogging actions
100% adequate referral for waste recovery in plogging actions
111 awareness raising actions
The dissemination of good practices throughout the project implementation period has resulted in requests to boost same activities. The project plans to continue communication actions, making the materials produced profitable, and keeping the project and the theme associated with it alive.