National Roadmap for Adaptation 2100 – Portuguese Territorial Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for XXI Century

Project facts

Project promoter:
Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)(PT)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection(NO)
Other Project Partners
Banco de Portugal(PT)
Directorate-General for Territory(PT)
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon(PT)
Portuguese Environment Agency(PT)
Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere(PT)


The project provided the basis for the policy and regulatory framework for management of plastic packaging including a deposit-refund system in Portugal. It is in line with the more wide-reaching recycling goals put in place by the updated Waste Framework Directive and also the proposal of the EU Single Use Plastics Directive, preventing plastics to end up as marine plastic litter. Furthermore, the project reduced economic and social disparities in Europe and strengthened bilateral relations and cooperation with donor states, since will enhance the creation of sustainable businesses and jobs based on circular economy principles and the results can potentially feed into further processes in the EU or act as pilots for further initiatives.The project deeped knowledge through experience-sharing, including study visits between Portugal and Norway with the latter providing advice on setting-up a deposit-return system; evaluated the current management models of packaging waste and consider new instruments, involving an assessment study/cost-benefit analysis; and  definided the legal framework aiming at the target of developing Applicants Guide governing the deposit-refund system for plastic bottles in Portugal.





Summary of project results

The National Roadmap for Adaptation XXI (RNA 2100) aimed to assess Portugal''s vulnerability to climate change, as well as estimate the costs of economic sectors in adapting to the expected impacts of climate change in 2100.

RNA 2100 had an innovative and strategic approach to analyzing the risks and opportunities of climate change, by including the macroeconomic component and assuming a territorial (regional) unit for the assessment of climate vulnerabilities, also representing a reference in terms of climate scenarios for Portugal.

The project that integrated actors from different areas relevant to adaptation to climate change, creating and enhancing synergies that will be the basis for the sustainability of the topic between entities with direct and indirect responsibilities in deciding on adaptation and climate change policies. Furthermore, the project promoted several initiatives to disseminate results, including to the general public, being an important enhancer of education and awareness on the topic of adaptation to climate change.

The project carried out a comprehensive study, from the construction of new climate change projections for the 21st century, to modeling the impact of the physical consequences of climate change in Portugal focused on the main vulnerabilities (water resources/agroforestry, coastal areas and forest fires) , and the economic cost, including the costs of inaction and adaptation due to climate change. The project also carried out high-resolution climate simulations for the Madeira and Azores Archipelagos and integrated all climate data into a new portal: Furthermore, the project developed an integrated macroeconomic assessment model for the Brazilian economy, and defined guidelines for integrating adaptation to climate change into Municipal Master Plans.

WP1. Stakeholder engagement

WP2. Climate projections and indexes

WP3. Socioeconomic scenarios

WP4. Sectoral impacts modelling

WP5. Adaptation needs

WP6. Macroeconomic impacts

WP7. Development of the adaptation storylines

WP8. Communication and capacitation

WP9. Coordination and project management

The deliverables can be consulted on the project page at baixo-carbono.

The project fostered the application of the circular economy principles in specific sectors, through the reduction of the materials use and waste emissions, in particular, through a deposit and return scheme of non-reusable plastic bottles, glass and alumnium packages.


Summary of bilateral results

The project contributed to bilateral relations with donor countries, with the presence of the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency (DSB) as a partner entity. This entity has extensive experience in risk analysis, having shared the English translation of reports it authored, in a broad exchange of knowledge between the entities involved in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.