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Programme outcome the project contributes to: "Cultural heritage management enhanced"
The project will increase access to film heritage in local communities as a way of enhancing knowledge of cultural heritage and of local and national identity.
The project will include, inter alia, the following main activities:
- Reparation and digitisation of selected cultural heritage films related to the sea;
- The development of a film programme and its dissemination through activities organised in local communities and in cooperation with relevant entities at local level;
- The exchange of knowledge and practice with the donor project partner, including the organisation of a seminar on the dissemination and distribution of film heritage in Oslo and a seminar on the cultural and historical value of films related to the sea;
- The creation and dissemination of a retrospective of 10-12 Portuguese films and 10-12 Norwegian films related to the sea in cooperation with the donor project partner. The retrospective will be presented in both countries to promote knowledge about the cultural heritage of these films and the traditions related to the sea.
Summary of project results
FILMar changed and shaped the way Cinemateca Portuguesa digitized and promoted film heritage, creating conditions for a more fluid and transversal approach to film preservation and shared knowledge. By the creation of a digital laboratory at the National Archive of Moving Images, Cinemateca proceeded to the increment of available titles in both digital platforms and public screenings.
The main consequence of an internalized laboratory was the number of films digitized, with a growth from the original goal of 70 to 267 films, thus augmenting the number of minutes previously determined, from 10000 to 10531. The public presentation of the results, despite the temporal coincidence of COVID lockdown, was also a major change on the public intervention of Cinermateca with Portuguese stakeholders, namely the possibility of organizing 502 public screenings in 45 cities, instead of the original 25 in 6 cities. The public response of the film realm led to the active participation of Cinemateca in the programming of the main film festivals in the country, as well as grounded programming in festivals of the partnering countries, Iceland and Norway. With the impact of FILMar, the public demand for articulated actions led us to develop programs of film mediation and education in cooperation with State-run projects, contributing to an outreach in territories where Cinemateca had never been present. With the wider approach the project took on how to perceive sea related film heritage and contemporary perception, FILMar was also responsible for the organization of 5 exhibitions, the publication of 5 books, and 1 DVD, as well as a regular presence at the public television, where the 14 programs gave space to 21 films that reached 200.000 viewers. FILMar established a different way to present and promote film heritage, as well as created opportunities for film historians, film educators, curators, film exhibitors, museums and public institutions to inscribe cinema as part of good practices for history learning and collective memory awareness.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation between Cinemateca Portuguesa and the Norsk Film Instituitt revealed to be an extent of what the two institutions already do under the frame of FIAF – International Federation of Film Archive, namely the sharing of copies, exchange of good practices on film preservation and mediation. Due to the renovation works that NFI building undertook, and the impact of COVID lockdown, that created natural impediments for a more fluid cooperation, we created a different strategy for the public presentation of the common results. The regular programming of Norwegian films in Portugal, always in dialogue with the Portuguese films digitized under the frame of the project, were accompanied by Norwegian specialists. Also, we created special programmings under the frame of Icelandic and Norwegian initiatives, as well as invited professionals from both countries to come to visit the digital laboratory and share competences and practices. Different field trips and specific screenings for professionals from the Donor Countries were organized, as well as interactions with professionals from different European countries and South American ones. Cooperation with our Norwegian partner will continue under the form of regular screenings and exchange of digital practiced, as well as background information for film history and identification of elements for film identification.