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To enable more children to benefit from an APAV-designed and tested interpersonal violence prevention programme that develops and trains children in key social and emotional skills for healthy relationships based on non-violence, equality, tolerance and respect. The project provides for training courses for professionals in the school and community context, and the mobilisation of young people for volunteer initiatives.
Summary of project results
The SER Plus project''s objective was to raise awareness and educate for the prevention of interpersonal violence. By facilitating (at a national level) children, between 6 and 10 years old, to benefit from the "Hora de SER program", a structured program aiming at gender equality, respect for diversity and human rights.
It was possible to train 224 professionals through 26 courses. These same professionals carried out a total of 95 implementations of "Hora de SER program", involving 1758 children. 116 University students were also trained. The 2nd edition of the "Hora de SER Activities Manual" and the "Hora de SER Pedagogical Training Manual" have also been developed. The first is an essential tool for professionals who replicate the program; the second is intended for APAV professionals who are certified to train professionals for the implementation of the program. As such, it contributed to the national dissemination and implementation of the "Hora de SER program", promoting its knowledge among professionals, young people and communities and facilitating access to adequate tools for its implementation; promoted the involvement of local communities in the fight against social tolerance of interpersonal violence, inequalities and discrimination, through the mobilization and training of young people and education and professionals from school and community contexts for the implementation of effective intervention and prevention methodologies.
In quantitative terms, the following was achieved:
-116 youths mobilised by NGOs to engage in human rights work;
-224 professional staff trained;
-1 awareness raising campaign carried out;
-100% share of target group showing concern for human rights.
Regarding the capacity-building component, 32 professionals were trained in volunteering management, value creation and impact evaluation.
All proposed targets were met and exceeded.