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Development Plan of Piła - City of Piła with new energy! is a multi-sector, comprehensive and integrated strategic program of socio-economic development, covering the key dimensions of the city''s development: social, economic, environmental, spatial, financing of city development and intelligent development management.
The project will have many effects:
- Economic activation, organization of events in the field of vocational education will allow young people to adapt to the professional challenges associated the New Dev.
- Social activation integration, ecological, educational and cultural events carried out in modernized or retrofitted centers, including the Center for Activation of Older and Disabled People, the Piła Institute for Integration and Education and the Regional Cultural Center.
- Activation of the post-military potential of the airport (Base simulating space missions, Aviation Education Center), combined with educational and research activities, protection of cultural heritage.
- New domestic and foreign partnerships (inc. with represent. of Donor States).
- Effective public administration, transparent, open to cooperation with residents and encouraging them to participate in decision-making processes regarding local issues.
The project is designed to prevent all forms of discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation during the preparation and implementation process. All the elements of the project will be accessible to each citizien. The created infrastructure will be designed by taking the concept of universal design.
The project will be conducted through a national partnership. The partners will be co-implementers of projects, giving substantive support adjusted to the specificity of undertakings, providing space for the implementation of projects, as well as promoting and informing about ongoing projects.