More information
1. The project is one of the City''s strategic actions carried out to counteract the loss of its social and economic functions. The project will have an impact on addressing: above-average migration dynamic, increasing public and civic passivity, low investment attractiveness and poor transport accessibility, poor air quality, poor environmental awareness, climate change-associated threats.
In the institutional area: unsatisfactory administrative efficiency in municipal management and citizen service provision.
2. The main activities and deliverables planned covers all key dimensions. The environmental dimension: Raising Environmental Awareness in the Local Community. The social dimension: Return to Jasło; Activating the Residents of Jasło; Boosting Local Identity – Key Urban Development Factor; and Supporting Excluded Persons. The economic dimension: Developing Local Potentials; and Investment Area Infrastructure. The spatial dimension: Improving the Town’s Transport Accessibility. The smart town management dimension: Developing Dialogue with the Residents of Jasło.
Basic activities associated with developing institutional capacity and local public administration competencies are focused on improvements to local government operating standards; developing citizen trust in local government institutions.
3. The main project goals are: Jasło as a space for dialogue and favourable conditions for public participation development, Jasło – a good place to live, Jasło – a town of residents caring for the environment, Recognisable, endogenic potential-based brand of Jasło as a municipality; Effective municipal management, High confidence in municipal authorities and well-developed local community participation in public life, High levels of local community satisfaction with services provided by municipal authority units.
4. The partnership is expected to bring to the project knowledge and methodology on practical, proven, effective solutions, and operating procedures.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at solving many significant problems and challenges that affected Jasło in different dimensions: social, economic, environmental and spatial. The main problems identified in the project were as follows:
- Loss of social and economic functions of the city
Jasło faced problems connected with the loss of social and economic functions, which resulted in its gradual “shrinkage”. The city lost its significance both as a centre of social life and economic centre. Additionally, low availability of apartments for rent and limited number of new investments had a negative impact on the attractiveness of the city for young people and investors. In response to these challenges, the project focused on strengthening the local labour market and supporting entrepreneurship, which aimed at creating better conditions for professional development and economy based on local resources and innovations.
- High dynamics of emigration (including emigration abroad) of people of mobile age
The city struggled with high migration of young people of working age, which led to depopulation and ageing of local community. The project addressed these problems by supporting the labour market, developing local economic initiatives and stimulating entrepreneurship. The purpose of these activities was to create conditions that would keep young people in the city by offering them attractive career prospects and living conditions.
- Growing social passivity and local identity crisis
The local identity crisis and civic passivity, especially among young people and seniors, were other challenges that the project were supposed to solve. The activating programmes, such as the support for seniors and cooperation with non-governmental organisations, were implemented. The important element was also the development of the accessibility programme which aimed at integrating all social groups, including people with disabilities.
- Poor air quality and low environmental awareness
The problem that affected Jasło significantly was the poor air quality and low environmental awareness among the residents and economic leaders. To counteract it, the project introduced the environmental campaign that promoted the actions for environmental protection and increased the environmental awareness, especially in the context of counteracting climate changes. These actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the residents through better management of natural resources and reduction of pollutant emissions.
- Untapped economic, environmental and cultural potential of the city
Jasło, despite having considerable cultural and environmental resources, did not exploit the full potential in these areas. The project focused on promoting the actions connected with the entrepreneurship, development of urban space and emphasising the cultural identity of the city. The initiatives such as the “Urban design” and “The city is me” aimed at building a stronger sense of local identity and promoting the city as an attractive place to live, work and invest.
- Low attractiveness of investment areas and limited transport accessibility
Lack of appropriate transport infrastructure and insufficient accessibility of investment areas were significant barriers to the economic development of Jasło. The project included the investments in infrastructure, such as the construction of KDZ road with accompanying infrastructure, which aimed at improving the accessibility of investment areas and attracting new investors. Additionally, the project provided for the development of documentation on the Communication Centre in Jasło, which aimed at improving both internal and external transport accessibility of the city.
- City management and services for residents
Another key problem was the low efficiency of city administration in the city management and services for residents. The project aimed at improving the effectiveness of the city management by implementing intelligent city management solutions, which allowed for more effective and integrated services for residents. Consequently, the residents of Jasło can benefit from better public services and more effective management of urban resources.
The project focused on the integrated activities aimed at counteracting negative social, economic and environmental trends in Jasło. The challenges, such as the migration of young people, local identity crisis, poor air quality or insufficient use of the city potential, were taken up through the activities promoting the development of local entrepreneurship, improving the transport infrastructure, increase of environmental awareness and social activation of residents. The project, through an integrated approach, not only improved the living conditions in the city, but it also strengthened its economic and social position by creating the conditions for further sustainable development.
As part of our objective, that is, to make Jasło a place of friendly living and activity of the residents, we carried out a number of initiatives aimed at involving the local community and co-creating the city of knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Jasło is changing. Investments needed by residents, socially important events, integration of various environments and even a change of the city management to a more friendly one – these are all the effects of a three-year project (2021-2024) “Jasło, my city – my home.
When implementing that project, we wanted to make sure that the residents identify themselves even more with the city that has become a place to learn, work and live.
The following activities were implemented:
- Adjustment of education to labour market needs
The labour market is open to developers and CNC machine operators, among others. These are professions of the future, therefore as part of this project, we have organised professional internships – two editions. The students of two years from the Technical School Complex in Jasło have participated in them. The benefits are mutual because young students gain practical skills, while local employers are more wiling to employ an employee that is already qualified.
- Career paths– tailor-made education
Through personalised educational programme and individual professional training, the residents have been able to develop in the directions of their choice. The following, among others, have helped them: career counselling, mentoring and individual meeting with career organisers. Thanks to these activities, the participants have been able to discover their strengths, learn the ways of career management and get ready for job interviews..
- Urban design
Near Jasło Cultural Centre a musical bench with the figure of Jerzy ”Duduś” Matuszkiewicz, born in Jasło, has been installed. Admiring the local landscape is possible thanks to a viewing telescope installed on the hill near ”Jasło” City Vineyard.
While in the recreational area ”Kwiatowa Street Stop”, an illuminated, three-dimensional sign ”JASŁO” has not only a decorative function but it is also a remarkable place to take photos by residents and tourists visiting the city.
- Potentials of the city as the basis for local entrepreneurship development Establishment of the local community, a system of connections and mutual support, and strengthening of the brand, image of Jasło as a city friendly to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. What is particularly important for us, during the fair local entrepreneurs were able to promote their services and products, establish business contacts, recruit new employees and raise awareness of their activity among the local community. The participation in the fair was also a great opportunity to make the scope of activities offered by the Business Incubator in Jasło more familiar, including those supporting entrepreneurial attitudes among young people.
- Entrepreneurship Days
Establishment of the local community, a system of connections and mutual support, and strengthening of the brand, image of Jasło as a city friendly to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. What is particularly important for us, during the fair local entrepreneurs were able to promote their services and products, establish business contacts, recruit new employees and raise awareness of their activity among the local community.
- Implementation of the programme Jasło - City of Knowledge
We have focused on expanding the knowledge and supporting the development of residents of Jasło of any age. Not only do such activities increase the level of knowledge and skills of residents but they also form intergenerational ties. Below there are several activities that were a part of this project:
- Jasło Children’s University
- Exchange of Brilliant Ideas for Jasło
- University of the Third Age
- Jasło Training Voucher (courses and educational competitions)
- Festival of Science
- City of the Youth – workshops
All activities were centred around the GEN Science Generator.
- Establishment of the Centre for Supporting the Activities of Non-governmental Organisations
Through the organisation of various activities, the project has supported organisations in their activities and allowed them to work more effectively for the local community.
We have offered: counselling, organisation of study tours and substantive support in the form of trainings in
finance and accounting services, proper record-keeping and cooperation with public administration authorities, among others. An important point was also the creation of a meeting and support place for non-governmental organisations that has been created in the Science Generator.
- Active Senior Centre
Adaptation of the building at 8a Kopernika Street in Jasło (the so-called”little four”) into an Active Senior Centre is an extremely important step in creating a friendly and active environment for seniors in the city. Through organised thematic workshops and educational activities, the oldest residents will gain new opportunities to spend time, develop their passions and interests.
The space will also be a place where seniors will find support in leading an active lifestyle and maintaining mental and physical health through various sports, recreational and cultural activities.
- Ecological Campaign for Environmental Protection with the Association of Municipalities of the Wisłoka River Basin
As part of this project, the households from Jasło that are in difficult financial situation have been able to benefit from subsidy for installation of: photovoltaic systems, solar panels and replacement of solid-fuel boilers with gas-fired boilers.
Thus, it has accelerated the process of green transformation, brought many benefits for residents and affected the environment. Additionally for different groups: pre-schoolers, school-age children, teachers, residents, officials and entrepreneurs, a series of environmental workshops has been held.
- Construction of 5KDZ road with accompanying infrastructure
In the investment zone, a new road has been constructed, worth more than PLN 10 million, technically named 5KDZ. It makes the access to plots located in the investment zone easier for entrepreneurs.
The investment is of huge importance in terms of increasing the attractiveness of investment areas for business – new companies can be established along the road.
- Construction of the Communication Centre in Jasło
We want to create a modern transfer centre for those using public transport and thus contribute to increasing the comfort of travel and improving the quality of transport infrastructure in Jasło. Therefore, the first stage was the preparation of design documentation, which includes:
- reconstruction of the existing train station,
- construction of a ground car park,
- construction of a taxi bay,
- construction of stands with roofed places for travellers,
- development of a plaza with a charging station for electric buses,
- implementation of the task will be possible from other funds
- The city is me
Jasło is a home where I live!
Our objective was to strengthen the ties of Jasło residents with the city. The cityappreciated by its residents who are proud of where they live and work, becomes an attractive and friendly place not only for the local community but also for visitors, potential and future residents and investors.
- We are going to Jasło
The residents’ opinions are important for us!
The future and development of the city are in the hands of residents! Fresh ideas, innovative insights and creative solutions – this is what the residents of Jasło, who regardless of their age were wiling to engage in discussions about the city, could be proud of. The workshops, meetings and consultations have inspired us to carry out the activities expected by residents.
Our civic cafe which has appeared at city events has become a space for many valuable discussions.
- Implementation of measures based on the self-assessment tool for local government units prepared by the OECD
We have focused on the improvement of functioning of the office and its subordinate units to provide better services to the residents:
- conducting training workshops in which the representatives of the office and its subordinate units took part,
- The “Incentive System in the City Hall in Jasło” has been developed– the employees took part in the development of the system
- dedicated trainings for employees.
- Control under control
Improving the officials’ skills (including the introduction of regulations for improving skills). Organisation and implementation of open enrolments for trainings, specialist courses and post-graduate studies.
- System of Communication with Residents
A newly established platform has improved communication between residents and the office.
The number of users of social consultations has increased, as well as the number of people submitting proposals to the Participatory Budget of Jasło and voting for the Participatory Budget of Jasło via mobile devices and electronically. Another channel has been provided for residents to contact the office and report defects and damage in urban infrastructure.
- Who, what, where, when, why? – in other words, we focus on clear communication!
Simple communication is the key to the success!
Most customers have difficulties with understanding texts and statements addressed to them by public institutions. We have decided to change it and simplify the language, as well as the documents that we use!
We wanted our customers and officials to communicate with each other quickly and efficiently.
- Development of the accessibility programme for the City of Jasło
Our objective is to provide equal access to services for all customers of the City Hall in Jasło and subordinate organisational units. This is to be helped by the developed accessibility standards, i.e. a collection of requirements and guidelines describing the methods of design, implementation of investments and tasks which constitute an action plan for improving the provision of accessibility
Jasło can see the first results of the project:
- The residents are more involved in the city affairs. It was a result of the electronic system of communication with the residents
The following numbers have increased:
- the number of people benefiting from public consultation
- the number of people submitting project proposals as part of Jasło Participatory Budgeting
- the number of people voting electronically for project proposals as part of Jasło Participatory Budgeting
Through the electronic system, the residents can report, e.g. faults and damage that they notice in the city.
- Non-governmental organisations operating in Jasło received support (animator) and specialised advice (legal, financial and accounting, tax)
- Active cooperation “local government-residents-business” for co-creation and co-responsibility for the city
The entrepreneurs from Jasło actively engaged in the organisation of city job fairs, workshops and professional development, among others, as well as the organisation of work placements for students.
- Greater awareness and actions implemented for the organisational cohesion. There was a softening of “artificial divisions” between entities – we all work together for the vision of the city.
- Better flow of information and knowledge in the office and between the office and its entities, as well as between the office and the client. Joint workshops, cooperation in activity teams, as well as the trainings in effective, simple and clear communication helped to achieve it.