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1) The main problems of Tomaszów Mazowiecki were identified during the diagnosis of the city, i.e. the low level of use of the city''s territorial capital (LDP) and the lack of readiness of public services and their partners to develop according to the expectations of the inhabitants (IDP). Used in the project name the “ARENA” is focal point for developing the specialty ambience of the city and its environment on basis of sports, rest & recreation, and broadly defined activeness.2) In the field of institutional development:implementation of an effective city management system,increasing the degree of city co-management,development of an effective network cooperation system,including intersectoral cooperation,increasing the standards of accessibility in public institutions and urban space.In the field of local development:improvement the quality of life in Tomaszów Mazowiecki,development of social, economic, cultural, sport and recreational activity,improving the quality of health services and environment,increasing the ecological awareness of the inhabitants,strengthening local social capital.
3)The resulting benefits will lead to a real improvement in the quality of life of the residents and a reversal of negative demographic trends. The local administration will be better adapted, as expected by the residents. Due to the multidimensional nature of the assumed benefits, their impact will also be reflected in increasing the attractiveness of the region.
4)The project will be implemented as a domestic partnership with:Tomaszów Municipality - the solutions based on utilising the potential and strengths of the City and Municipality,Łódź University Branch in Tomaszów – the activities on adapting education to the needs of the labour market, knowledge and competency improvement,SEE MORE Foundation – the activities improving the inhabitants’ quality of life in terms of availability of and streamlining public services for people with special needs.
Summary of project results
As part of the project entitled „TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI - ARENA OF POSITIVE ENERGY: strengthening social and economic cohesion and improving the quality of the natural environment in Tomaszów Mazowiecki" the following objectives and development directions have been defined:
- in the institutional area, we aimed to create a city ready for development and responsive to the needs of its residents by:
- improving management standards in the City Hall and subordinate units,
- creating conditions for co-management, knowledge sharing, and the development of intersectoral partnerships and network cooperation,
- enhancing accessibility standards in public utility buildings and public spaces,
- in the area of local development, we planned to:
- improve the quality of life for residents through the development of social, economic, cultural, and sports-recreational activities,
- increase the availability of healthcare services,
- raise ecological awareness among residents,
- strengthen local social capital.
As part of the project "TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI – ARENA OF POSITIVE ENERGY" the following actions were carried out:
- Improvement of management standards in the City Hall of Tomaszów Mazowiecki and its subordinate units by:
- establishing a modern server room for data storage, ensuring the security and continuity of the operation of computers supporting key IT systems of the city,
- expanding the existing server room for backup copies – a modern space was created for storing backup copies of a wide range of data generated by the local government,
- building a fiber-optic network connecting the City Hall with all its units into a unified management system – this created a so-called logical network, increasing the security of transmitted data and improving communication quality,
- purchasing modern computer equipment for the City Hall and its units,
- implementing remote technical support software,
- building a network and server room and implementing software for managing healthcare services at the Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children,
- conducting an employee opinion survey at the City Hall, including identifying motivating and demotivating factors, recognizing problem areas, diagnosing trends in change, and proposing corrective actions and recommendations,,
- establishing a City Data Team responsible for aggregating and analyzing data, as well as preparing forecasts, analyses, and reports,
- developing and implementing the Integrated Education Management System, a platform for managing the educational sector;
- Improvement of accessibility standards and service in public utility buildings and urban spaces in collaboration with the project partner – the "SEE MORE" Foundation, which brings together blind and visually impaired individuals, through the following actions:
- creation of the "Accessibility Standards for the City of Tomaszów Mazowiecki," a strategic document indicating development directions and procedures, based on the conducted accessibility audit,
- construction of a modern elevator in the main building of the City Hall,
- automation of the main entrance to the City Hall building,
- installation of new flooring with designated pathways and guiding lines,
- replacement of lighting to meet required light intensity standards,
- change of the wood paneling color scheme to one adapted for visually impaired individuals,
- creation and installation of specialized information boards, including a tactile board,
- adaptation of the service area and main office for special needs by redesigning and expanding reception points and creating an induction loop station,
- creation of a rest area and large maneuvering spaces,
- reconstruction of the restroom with maneuvering space, supportive elements, and a baby changing station,
- creation of a corner for young clients accompanying parents in handling administrative matters,
- establishment of a network of 46 wireless short-range communication city markers (Totupoint), which, using a special app, guide the user to their destination or alert them to existing dangers,
- implementation of software for transcribing text in video files, e.g., published on the city''s website,
- implementation of software for assessing the difficulty level of tests, which, based on artificial intelligence, suggests solutions to make them understandable for the average reader,
- conducting training and practical workshops in sign language for municipal employees,
- conducting training on accessibility for public transport drivers, covering customer service for individuals with special needs, rules of etiquette, and basic sign language;
- Creation of an integrated activity zone based on the endogenous resources of the city through the following actions:
- revitalization of the so-called "Count’s Garden" i.e., the "Solidarność" City Park, from the stage of preparing technical documentation to construction, adaptation, and renovation works, including the reconstruction of the concert shell, revitalization of the park pond, construction of a playground, modernization of the fountain and sculptures located in the park, small architecture, park walkways with the maintenance of existing greenery, new plantings, as well as the establishment of video surveillance and energy-efficient lighting, taking into account the elimination of architectural barriers,
- opening up the canoeing tourist route on the Pilica River between the Sulejów Reservoir and the Tomaszów Mazowiecki Marina on the Pilica River in collaboration with the project partner – the Tomaszów Mazowiecki Commune, from the preparation of technical documentation to the construction of floating piers with the necessary infrastructure;
- Implementation of the comprehensive ecological education program "EKOpositive TOMASZÓW" through the following actions:
- creation of the strategic Ecological Education Program "EKOpositive Tomaszów,"
- conducting training for primary school and preschool teachers, resulting in the creation of two original educational programs on ecology,
- conducting educational activities for the youngest and young residents of the city (44 cycles for each stage of education), along with the purchase of materials and teaching aids, as well as funding salaries for teachers,
- conducting workshops for members of Family Allotment Gardens on topics such as waste management, including the segregation of organic waste, allotment recycling, the impact of plantings on improving air quality, the ban on burning, biodiversity, ecological farming, the establishment of wildflower meadows, renewable energy sources, the protection of beneficial organisms, and rainwater retention,
- organizing a photographic competition titled "Eco-positive Investments in Allotment Gardens – Ecology in Focus" with awards on ecological themes,
- developing an online ecological knowledge compendium (electronic leaflets, coloring books for children, infographics);
- Development and implementation of integrated plans supporting the development of social capital under the project "TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI - CENTER FOR SOCIAL DIALOGUE" through the following actions:
- creation and implementation of a strategic document titled "Senior Support Program TOMASZÓW FOR SENIORS,"
- organizing lectures for seniors on health and safety prevention, covering topics such as inheritance proceedings, healthy eating, diet supplementation, and home safety,
- organizing visits to rehabilitation doctors and conducting 6,000 rehabilitation treatments for seniors,
- organizing educational meetings on accessibility for seniors, focusing on existing architectural, digital, and information-communication barriers and ways to eliminate them in accordance with current legal regulations,
- organizing three concerts on Senior Citizens'' Day, combined with surveys on seniors'' opinions regarding safety, health prevention, socio-cultural activity, and related needs,
- conducting three editions of the Senior Health Spartakiad, providing opportunities for active leisure,
- organizing meetings for seniors with specialists (psychotherapist, cardiologist, podiatrist, physiotherapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, oncologist, general practitioner),
- development and implementation of a strategic document titled "Communication and Social Participation Standards for Tomaszów Mazowiecki" to create a modern consultative space in the city;
- Development and implementation of actions supporting the development of entrepreneurship under the project "ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE" through the following activities:
- creation and implementation of the local entrepreneurship development program "ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE,"
- conducting training for primary school and preschool teachers, resulting in the creation of two original educational programs on entrepreneurship,
- conducting educational activities for the youngest and young residents of the city (44 cycles for each stage of education), along with the purchase of materials and teaching aids, as well as funding salaries for teachers,
- implementing interactive software titled "Business and Budget Management Simulation" in primary schools in Tomaszów Mazowiecki,
- developing a comprehensive strategy for the development and promotion of leisure time industries in City of Tomaszów Mazowiecki and Tomaszów Mazowiecki Commune, in cooperation with the University of Łódź, Tomaszów Mazowiecki Branch – also a project partner,
- conducting a series of training sessions on the principles of implementing and executing strategies, as well as monitoring and evaluating undertaken projects for municipal employees,
- conducting a series of training sessions on modern promotional methods and acquiring external funding sources for representatives of the LTI sector,
- establishing a platform for industry collaboration, i.e., a group of active representatives from the LTI sector who wanted to engage in joint activities aimed at sector development,
- developing and implementing a website for tourism traffic management, – the site is adapted to the needs of people with disabilities and includes additional audio guides, which were prepared in consultation with the project partner, the "SEE MORE" Foundation;
- Implementation of integrated actions for climate change adaptation under the project "OUR CLIMATE, OUR ISSUE" by adapting public spaces to climate threats arising from heat waves and the urban heat island effect – rainwater tanks, mobile planters, climbing plant pergolas, and so-called "green" bus stops were installed in the city center.
All actions undertaken were analyzed to identify so-called "good practices." It was concluded that the "Good Practices Handbook" should include tasks where the planned objective was achieved, specific results were obtained, but also where procedures and formulas were developed that could become a standard for use independently or by other local governments. See attached summary in form of YT movie-
The project "TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI – ARENA OF POSITIVE ENERGY" was developed in a way that ensures the comprehensiveness of the actions undertaken, so that as many resident groups as possible could benefit from its results. To systematize the solutions being implemented and facilitate their smooth continuation in the following years, strategic documents were developed in most areas, outlining directions for further actions.
The main objective of the Institutional Development Plan was to create a city ready for development and sensitive to the needs of its residents.
The actions taken enabled the implementation of a range of solutions involving the use of modern technologies aimed at improving the quality of services provided to all city residents – municipal government clients. The introduced solutions also allowed for the streamlining of the work of municipal officials, involving them in the identification of problem areas and the determination of necessary corrective actions. At the same time, municipal employees were given the opportunity to use aggregated, analyzed, and processed data in their activities, prepared by the City Data Team.
Simultaneously, a series of actions were carried out to improve accessibility and service standards, both within the City Hall building and in the public spaces of the city. With the support of the project partner – the "SEE MORE" Foundation, which brings together blind and visually impaired individuals, infrastructural, communication, and electronic solutions were implemented, and training was conducted, making it easier for people with special needs to handle their matters at the city hall. The beneficiaries of these actions include, among others, people with disabilities, pregnant women, mothers with small children, seniors, and individuals traveling with luggage.
As part of the Institutional Development Plan, we implemented a series of tasks that opened up public spaces for all residents, providing them with a wide range of opportunities for leisure activities. These actions included, among others, the revitalization of park infrastructure and the implementation of solutions related to mitigating the effects of climate change. It should also be emphasized that the opening of the kayaking trail on the Pilica River encouraged not only residents but also tourists from the region and country to participate in this form of activity.
A series of recreational and cultural events were targeted at senior citizens from Tomaszów. Older individuals, who make up a particularly large group of residents, were also provided with preventive care and health services.
Meanwhile, the youngest and younger residents, along with their teachers, were able to benefit from training and workshops, educational materials, and teaching aids, including innovative solutions, aimed at expanding knowledge and shaping pro-ecological and entrepreneurial attitudes.
A very important group of project beneficiaries were also members of the Family Allotment Gardens, who, based on the knowledge acquired during dedicated workshops, are implementing ecological solutions in their small spaces.
It is also worth noting the special group of recipients of actions related to the development and promotion of leisure industries, namely representatives of local governments, businesses, schools, universities, and non-governmental organizations in the tourism, cultural, entertainment, sports, and recreational sectors.
The wide range of training and the creation of a platform for industry cooperation not only expanded the knowledge and skills of the sector but also brought together a group of active representatives of the Leisure Time Industries (LTI), who are shaping joint development actions. Additionally, the launch of a dedicated website allowed for the development and promotion of a comprehensive offer for residents and tourists, including those with disabilities.
Our goal was also to implement solutions aimed at involving residents in co-decision making about the city, co-management, and shared responsibility. The evaluation of the results of these actions, which are currently being implemented, requires a longer period of time.
The task aimed at the broadest group of recipients is the development of a good practice handbook, which can be used by all local governments interested in implementing similar solutions in Poland and Europe.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation between the cities primarily focused on the exchange of experiences related to problematic areas. For Tomaszów Mazowiecki (TM), the greatest value of the undertaken activities was the opportunity to learn about various forms of participation, which are successfully implemented in Hamar. The study visit, which included this area, allowed us to understand the essence of building social bonds and the ways of involving residents in seemingly small decisions that directly affect their place of residence or the vision of the municipality''s development.Areas of cooperation:- both cities are owners of large sports facilities: the Ice Arena in TM and the Vikingship Arena in Hamar. The municipalities face the same issues, and the extensive commercial use of the facility in Hamar served as a basis for planning actions for TM.- social participation. The experiences gained during meetings and the study visit became the foundation to plan and design development in this regard.- differing approach to senior policy. Norwegian cities operate based on systemic solutions common throughout the country, whereas Polish municipalities have more freedom in shaping this policy, with national solutions providing only general development directions.- the opportunity to learn about the culture and tourist attractions of both regions. The concept of folk schools, so common in Scandinavia, was a positive surprise for TM, and the visit of young people to jazz workshops in TM became an opportunity to explore different possibilities for youth development. TM aims to adopt the format of open stage music nights in city. TM will also draw inspiration from Norwegian solutions for developing tourist assets and cooperating with entrepreneurs.The cooperation between Hamar and TM has the potential for continuation. TM have already identified key problem areas, initiated the exchange of experiences, and are now ready to search for common solutions for the areas of cooperation.