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The project aims to raise the level of knowledge, increase awareness and develop attitudes towards the phenomenon of domestic violence against the elderly and people with disabilities, and to increase the effectiveness of preventive, intervention and assistance activities in this area. The project will be implemented in the city of Katowice.
Meeting places will be adapted to the needs of the elderly and people with disabilities. The meetings will be organized in conditions that take into account the psychophysical limitations of the people participating in the meetings. The topics of the meetings and the way of presenting the content will take into account the special needs of the participants and different ways of acquiring knowledge. The topics discussed during the meetings and workshops will also address stereotypes and prejudices against the elderly and people with disabilities.
Activities in the project will be implemented in accordance with such values as: equality, respect for human rights, respect for dignity. Each participant has equal access to participate in the meeting/training, after expressing their willingness. The project provides baseline data broken down by gender. Equality will be taken into account and promoted at every stage of the project. The project itself will foster equal participation of women and men in its management. Teams of employees making key decisions within the project will also be gender-diverse. It is envisaged that more women will be supported than men, which does not mean that they are discriminated against. In the current assessment, it is women who are in a more difficult position and need more intervention. In addition, information and promotion will be of equality nature, the language will be sensitive to gender, various communication channels will be used, and the principle of equal opportunities will be monitored.