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The main objective of the project is to improve the system of preventing domestic violence in Bytom by conducting activities in the field of early prevention. The implementation of the goal will be ensured by creating a comprehensive program for preventing domestic violence, under which numerous institutions operating in the city will cooperate to improve the situation of people at risk of violence. Thanks to the implementation of the project, a Family Centre will be created, which will provide services to people at risk of violence. As part of the project, it is planned to provide support to 49 couples diagnosed with the risk of violence. An important element of the project will also be the training of representatives of institutions cooperating in the implementation of the project in the field of prevention of domestic violence. An important project activity will be organization of a social campaign and events concerning the phenomenon of violence. The result of the above-mentioned activities will be an increase in awareness of the impact of the quality of relationships on the risk of domestic violence.
Recruitment of participants will be carried out with equal access. People who are in a worse situation (e.g. people with disabilities) will have easier access to participate in the project. The buildings and rooms where classes for the disabled, seniors and parents of small children will be adapted to their needs and appropriate support will be provided for participants with special needs.
The project will have a positive impact on promoting equality between women and men. While planning the activities the Project Promoter took into account the disproportion between women and men in terms of experiencing or using violence. The project staff will use gender-sensitive language and present women and men in active, non-stereotyped roles. Both women and men will be involved in the decision-making process in the project.