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The activities under the project are to contribute to change the functioning of the domestic violence prevention system, and thus to reducing the scale of this phenomenon. The main goal of the project will be to detect dysfunctional behaviours at the early prevention stage. Achievement of this goal will be possible thanks to the in-depth interdisciplinary cooperation of institutions working to prevent violence. A Family Centre will be established in a building specially designed for this purpose. It will be a place known to the local community. The Family Centre will undertake actions aimed at improving the quality of family relationships, actions in the field of broadly understood prevention, but also actions supporting equality between women and men, teaching tolerance and mutual respect. It will also be a place to which you can report in crisis situations requiring quick intervention. As part of the project, there will be a number of activities addressed to specialists who are involved in preventing domestic violence in the commune on a daily basis.
The project provides for activities aimed at supporting equal treatment and preventing exclusion, including combating stereotypes and prejudices, as well as the effects of discrimination. They will be conducted in the form of talks and lectures among the local community, as well as in educational institutions (among students and parents) in the commune.
At every stage of its implementation, the project will assume gender equality in order to prevent discrimination and promote equality between women and men. To ensure the comfort and freedom of the participants, one of the activities within the Project, i.e. the self-defence course, is addressed to women. The planned talks on gender equality, prejudice and racism will play an important role within the project activities.