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The Świdnica against violence project pursues the objective of "Improving the functioning of the system for counteracting domestic violence" by establishing the Family Centre, coordinating cooperation between entities working for the benefit of the residents of Świdnica in the area of relationship support and early prevention of violence: Interdisciplinary Team for Combating Family Violence, social services, police, prosecutor''s office, Crisis Intervention Centre, Psychological-Pedagogical Counselling Centre, NGO Support Centre, Addiction Treatment Centre, parishes, educational institutions.
The Centre will operate in a mixed model: coordinated and network model, based in the Municipal Social Assistance Centre, which will provide its administrative and office support. The Centre will be responsible for the substantive coordination of the implementation and progress of the integrated domestic violence prevention model at municipality level, meetings of the entities cooperating within the Centre and the organisation and monitoring of the activity.
The project assumes equal access to its products and will create a friendly environment for everyone. It will provide the target group and beneficiaries with the opportunity to fully participate in the project and use the tools developed within the project.
The project assumes full accessibility for everyone and ensures non-discrimination, in particular on the grounds of gender. The base value of the general objective of the project indicates differences between the position of women and men among people experiencing domestic violence. In addition, information and education activities are designed to break and eliminate negative stereotypes in terms of gender inequality.