More information
For almost 30 years we have been a leading contractor of water engineering structures in Podlaskie Voivodship. Hydrobud Kielczyk also offers services, mainly as subcontractor of the driving of Larsen-type piles and walls. Our region’s development has entailed intensified works in road, bridge and industrial construction, and so an increased demand for our services provided on flat, paved areas where there are no height restrictions. Customers’ requirements as to the speed of contracts execution are also increasing, requiring the use of specialized machinery that we do not have. Therefore, we have outsourced some of the work in this area so far.
Under the project we will introduce an innovative technology for the resonance-free plunging of profiles/piles/pipes/fences in hydraulic structures. The use of this technology in our services will be made possible by the purchase of modern machinery (vibrohammer, excavator, chainsaw for cutting concrete and reinforced concrete under water, and telescopic loader).
Expanding the range of Hydrobud services will let us meet all the customers’ needs. The work we perform will contribute to greater efficiency and timeliness of investor projects. In addition, it will be carried out in a more environmentally friendly manner thanks to the operation of low-emission and energy-efficient machinery.
Summary of project results
In order to implement innovative services, it was necessary to purchase a vibratory pile driver, an excavator, a chainsaw with underwater use function, a telehandler and software for designing sheet piling. The biggest challenge for the project turned out to be the low availability of highly specialized equipment and long production times due to problems with the supply of semiconductors, which is the result of the 2020 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Despite the challenges, we managed to select suppliers, which resulted in the introduction of innovative services on the scale of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Thanks to them, Hydrobud can provide services for driving heavier and longer elements than the competition, and thanks to the use of non-resonant technologies, perform such operations near structures and hydro-engineering facilities.
Thanks to the purchase of a vibratory pile driver, an excavator, a hydraulic chainsaw, a telehandler and software for designing sheet piles, as part of this project, we can provide innovative services in the field of;
- driving sheet piles weighing up to 2,800 kg and lengths up to 16 m
- driving I-beams 180-500mm weighing up to 2800kg and length up to 16m
- driving wooden piles Ø120-420mm weighing up to 2800kg and length up to 16m
- driving pipes and round profiles Ø 90 - 762 mm weighing up to 2800 kg and length up to 16 m
- driving sheets, I-beams, wooden piles and pipes in vicinity of water engineering facilities and other structures without exposing them to harmful vibrations
- performing underwater cutting in concrete up to 63 cm deep
Thanks to the purchase of the telehandler, we can unload sheet piles more efficiently and deliver them to their destination site faster and with less impact on the natural environment. Moreover owing to the purchase of software, our office can independently design sheet piling and, by controlling the design process performed by external entities, influence the selection of the type of sheet piles that is most advantageous from the point of view of ecology and economy.
As a result of the project, the company used an innovative technology for non-resonant driving of profiles/piles/pipes/sheet piles. Four new services have been introduced to the company''s offers. A new workplace has been created.