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We provide environmental research services and develop specialized environmental and wildlife expertise opinions. Under the project we will establish an independent laboratory for environmental genetic research capable of conducting commercial studies of the occurrence of protected species in aquatic environments. Data on the state of the environment serves as the basis both for preparing investment projects and for planning the protection of rare species and naturally valuable areas. Deficiencies or defects in the recognition of the state of the environment can lead to erroneous design and – in the environmental impact assessment procedure – they can delay or prevent the progress of the investment.
The laboratory will use molecular biology techniques to quickly and reliably identify the state of the environment based on analysis of the genetic codes of organisms living in inland waters. These are forward-looking solutions that will displace traditional methods, which are costly, less accurate and only seasonally feasible. The facilities will make it possible to collect samples for environmental DNA studies, and a mobile laboratory will allow the presence of protected species to be determined instantly (within hours) throughout Poland. These technologies will be used to provide expert services in inventorying and monitoring the status of populations of protected and naturally valuable species. The customers will be public entities managing species populations in protected areas and the investment preparation sector. Our services will revolutionarily improve the conditions for any investments that interfere with aquatic environments.
The project will cover the construction and equipment of a stationary laboratory, a mobile laboratory and a field workshop. It will reduce environmental losses associated with investments that interfere with inland waters and their immediate surroundings, including water pollution and reduction of their biodiversity.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to address the challenge of rapid and reliable assessment of the state of the natural environment of inland waters. Traditional methods of identifying aquatic species are time-consuming, expensive and often limited by season, which makes it difficult to obtain a true and complete picture of the state of the ecosystem. Additionally, many species of fish and other organisms are difficult to detect using conventional methods, such as netting or field observations. In response to these challenges, the project focused on implementing techniques based on environmental DNA (eDNA), which allow for species identification through the analysis of genetic material released into the environment by organisms in the form of skin cells, urine, blood, feces, eggs and sperm. These DNA traces enable effective monitoring of the presence of individual species even without direct observation. The use of eDNA methods offers a more efficient and less invasive alternative, revolutionizing the processes of environmental assessment, which is particularly important for the conservation of rare species and for water quality monitoring.
Reliable determination of the environmental status is a crucial starting point for assessing the feasibility and constraints of investment projects and for planning the protection of valuable natural elements. Knowledge of ongoing processes and the ability to predict the environment’s response to human interference are essential for managing investment projects and environmental conservation. To address these needs, the project established an eDNA Laboratory equipped to independently provide comprehensive methodological services i.e. from sampling to providing final results on species composition and determining the presence or absence of specific species. Negative results (confirmation of the absence of a species) are also indisputable when compared to traditional methods, particularly for hard-to-detect species (the lack of a direct observation does not indicate the species'' absence).
The advantage of the services offered lies in the ability to provide environmental assessments that are both quick and of uncompromising quality: reliable and unambiguous. The project addresses the need to reduce unplanned interventions in inland waters and their immediate surroundings, which can lead to environmental damage, including water pollution that directly impacts the functioning of water-dependent biocenoses.
The project has been fully implemented, achieving its main goal of establishing a laboratory for environmental genetic research. As part of the project, an independent eDNA Laboratory facility was created, capable of conducting commercial studies for species identification in aquatic environments. Technologies introduced as part of the project enable the use of the most modern genetic techniques for quick and reliable recognition of the state of the natural environment.
As a result of the project, both stationary and mobile eDNA Laboratories have been launched, offering the following services:
- Detection of specific individual species based on environmental DNA analysis,
- Determination of species composition of faunal communities in aquatic environments,
- Rapid confirmation of the presence of protected species using the capabilities of the mobile laboratory.
Since the launch of the eDNA Laboratory, three assignments encompassing the above services have been completed and additional projects utilising these innovative solutions are currently underway.
The introduction of these services was made possible through the technologies developed within the project, which include:
- A procedure (from sample collection to analysis result interpretation) for detecting specific individual species based on environmental DNA (Single Species Detection from Environmental DNA) in the stationary laboratory,
- A procedure (from sample collection to analysis result interpretation) for detecting specific individual species based on environmental DNA (Single Species Detection from Environmental DNA) in the mobile laboratory,
A procedure (from sample collection to analysis result interpretation) for determining the species composition of aquatic environments (Metabarcoding Environmental DNA).
Expert services based on environmental DNA (eDNA) for the inventory and monitoring of populations of protected and ecologically valuable species have been successfully introduced to the Polish market. These services address the growing need for efficient biodiversity assessments, particularly in light of increasing environmental concerns and regulatory requirements.
The launched services have significantly improved the conditions and capabilities for preparing various investments that may impact aquatic environments. Utilising advanced molecular techniques, the eDNA Laboratory services facilitate reliable, rapid and accurate identification of environmental conditions essential for project implementation. This capability is crucial for investments that may alter ecological balance, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions that minimize impacts on valuable natural resources.
The implementation of these innovative technologies enhances the ability to assess aquatic environments effectively. The established eDNA Laboratory plays a crucial role in mitigating potential environmental losses associated with investment plans affecting inland waters and their surroundings.
Potential users of these services include entrepreneurs, investors, various state and local government bodies and other entities engaged in environmental management or nature conservation. These stakeholders benefit from enhanced monitoring and management capabilities, ensuring that development projects align with conservation goals.
Understanding the environmental conditions that determine project feasibility is vital for business decision-making and investment strategies. Rapid access to reliable environmental data necessary for obtaining implementation approvals is invaluable in today’s dynamic economic landscape. The eDNA Laboratory established through this project accelerates the assessment process of the natural environment and provides key information that enables the identification of potential investment constraints. The introduction of eDNA-based services addresses the pressing need for biodiversity monitoring and fosters a sustainable approach to investment planning. By enabling efficient assessments of aquatic environments, these services support responsible natural resource management and contribute to preserving Poland''s ecological balance.