Development and implementation of R&D works and an innovative service aimed at ensuring comprehensive support and mental well-being of children with disabilities and dysfunctions at Wulpińskie Lake in Spectrum of Possibilities rehabilitation centre.

Project facts

Project promoter:
WARM INVEST sp. z o.o.(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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Observing the market of services for children and adolescents with autism, we have identified a niche that gave rise to the idea of the rehabilitation centre that will be implemented under our project. A team of experts and therapists have developed an innovative method to help treat children and adolescents with problems such as: Asperger’s syndrome, Down syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, attachment disorder, foetal alcohol syndrome, ADHD, relationship disorder, and developmental trauma.  Our company will expand to provide original therapeutic and rehabilitation services involving patient interaction with water and sailing, meditation and relaxation activities. Active participation in these activities conducted on omega-class training yachts and called “sailing therapy” will lead to social integration of patients and overcomin their fears. We will prepare an Individual Educational and Therapeutic Program for each pupil, taking into account their dysfunctions and tailored to their capabilities. The therapy program will change as the child develops.

A comprehensive therapeutic centre will be constructed with a swimming pool, hyperbaric chambers, a pier, water houses, training boats. We will have thr therapy developed and implement by purchasing R&D and consulting services. As part of the development work, a focus study will be conducted with people from the target group and their caregivers, which will allow us to identify the actual needs of the respondents with regard to the services planned.

The introduction of the new therapeutic offer under the project is expected to improve the daily functioning of children with special needs and reduce the risk of social exclusion, while increasing the chances for their proper development and active participation in all aspects of life. In families of children with special needs, the new service will help reduce anxiety and stress levels, reducing the risk of isolation and, consequently, of the burnout syndrome.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.