Development and implementation of R&D works and an innovative service aimed at ensuring comprehensive support and mental well-being of children with disabilities and dysfunctions at Wulpińskie Lake in Spectrum of Possibilities rehabilitation centre.

Project facts

Project promoter:
WARM INVEST sp. z o.o.(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


Observing the market of services for children and adolescents with autism, we have identified a niche that gave rise to the idea of the rehabilitation centre that will be implemented under our project. A team of experts and therapists have developed an innovative method to help treat children and adolescents with problems such as: Asperger’s syndrome, Down syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, attachment disorder, foetal alcohol syndrome, ADHD, relationship disorder, and developmental trauma.  Our company will expand to provide original therapeutic and rehabilitation services involving patient interaction with water and sailing, meditation and relaxation activities. Active participation in these activities conducted on omega-class training yachts and called “sailing therapy” will lead to social integration of patients and overcomin their fears. We will prepare an Individual Educational and Therapeutic Program for each pupil, taking into account their dysfunctions and tailored to their capabilities. The therapy program will change as the child develops.

A comprehensive therapeutic centre will be constructed with a swimming pool, hyperbaric chambers, a pier, water houses, training boats. We will have thr therapy developed and implement by purchasing R&D and consulting services. As part of the development work, a focus study will be conducted with people from the target group and their caregivers, which will allow us to identify the actual needs of the respondents with regard to the services planned.

The introduction of the new therapeutic offer under the project is expected to improve the daily functioning of children with special needs and reduce the risk of social exclusion, while increasing the chances for their proper development and active participation in all aspects of life. In families of children with special needs, the new service will help reduce anxiety and stress levels, reducing the risk of isolation and, consequently, of the burnout syndrome.

Summary of project results

Plans are underway to establish the Spectrum of Possibilities Center in Tomaszków in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship at Lake Vulpinskie. Warm Invest intends to expand its business profile to provide therapeutic/rehabilitation services for children and adolescents with problems such as Asperger''s Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Tourette''s Syndrome, attachment disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, ADHD, relationship disorder, children with trauma. The company observed a niche in the market for services for children and adolescents with autism spectrum as a result of which an urgent need for a center arose, which resulted in assembling a team of experts, therapists through the development of a proprietary innovative treatment support. The implementation of the project will use proprietary methods of rehabilitation through contact with water, sailing, soothing meditation, relaxation and activities on the water will allow them to improve functioning in society and prevent social exclusion of children and adolescents. Therapy on the water through classes based on the Halliwick method, which is valued and considered by many physiotherapy specialists around the world as one of the best forms of hydrotherapy, and sailing plus in-home therapy on the water. The primary goal of individual therapy is to achieve a state of independence for the swimmer, that is, freedom of movement in the water so that he or she can continue swimming in group swimming classes or train swimming in clubs.

At all times, the facility will be engaged in supporting families, providing extensive psychological, psychotherapeutic assistance. Depending on the needs, our wards participate in the following activities:

- supporting speech and communication: speech therapy, including alternative communication methods (AAC, PECS, Makaton, Spokik);

 - improving movement: corrective gymnastics, Sensory Integration (SI), hand therapy, learning to swim using the Halliwick method, W. Sherborne Developmental Movement;

 - correcting deficits in sensory functioning: classes in the world experience room (polysensory stimulation), morning circle, EEG Biofeedback, RSA Biofeedback, Auditory Attention Training by Prof. A. Tomatis;

 - supporting social functioning, independence and self-care: storytelling therapy, Training in Social Skills (TUS), cooking classes, and classes to develop passions and interests: theater, music and art classes.

Theater classes will be aimed at, among other things, stimulating creative activity, expressing feelings and emotions through gestures, facial expressions, movements, shaping self-esteem, developing active participation in the cultural life of society, building positive emotional bonds between peers and therapists, and sensitizing to beauty.

The team of therapists will develop Individual Educational and Therapeutic Programs (IPET) for each pupil, tailored to his capabilities and taking into account the child''s dysfunctions. This will ensure that each program developed.

Organizing and conducting special therapies for children and adolescents with autism and etc. This education can be carried out in the form of:

 - Organizing and conducting diagnostic and consultation points and psychological and pedagogical clinics, including the provision of psychological and therapeutic assistance.

- Organizing and implementing recreation, integration trips for children, adolescents

Asperger''s Syndrome, intellectual disabilities and for their families, specialists and people interested in autism issues.

- Providing assistance in the field of rehabilitation, stimulation, therapy and psychotherapy.

- Organizing and conducting activities at various levels for families and caregivers of children and adolescents with autism, specialists, people interested in autism issues.

- Dissemination of guides, informational brochures, newsletters and continuous publications on the Association and autism, and establishment and maintenance of its own library and reading room of publications on autism and related issues.

- Keeping a register of children, young people with autism, collecting information on autism.

 - It is planned to continue obtaining EU funds for the development of the company in this direction.

 - Establishment of cooperation with authorities, institutions, and scientific institutions (including the Association of Family and Friends of Persons with Down Syndrome “STRZAŁ W 10”, Polish Sailing Association, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.