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Hydropower plants are Poland''s third source of renewable energy after wind power and photovoltaics. Of the 400 available sites with the potential to build small hydropower plants, most should use Archimedes turbines due to geographic and environmental conditions. A problem in using Archimedes turbines at sustained sub-zero air temperatures is icing which impedes turbine operation. Therefore, we are planning to introduce to the market an improved turbine with an original de-icing system. This system will enable continuous and efficient power plant operation, regardless of air temperature. The project also aims to construct a small hydropower plant on the mountainous Kwisa river in South-Western Poland, where the improved turbine model will be used for the first time. The new solution will increase the operating efficiency of a single Archimedes turbine by 10%, i.e. by 40 MWh per year for a power plant such as the one planned under the project.
The project includes the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 90 kW, the development of technical, assembly and operation documentation for the turbine, and the purchase of consulting services from the Norwegian partner. SediCon AS will provide advice on the feasibility of applying their own system for removing sediment from the inflow to the Archimedes turbine. It is because sediment-related pollution, along with ice phenomena, is one of the factors that reduce energy efficiency of hydropower plants.
Renewable energy production at the new power plant will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 325.60 tons already in the year of project completion. The project will also have a positive impact on its social environment by enabling canoe tourism on a section of the Kwisa River (we will build a canoe portage), and by restoring the morphological patency of the river through the construction of a fish ladder.
Summary of project results
Considering the project objective, that is construction of SHP Uniegoszcz with implementation of innovative solutions in the field of Archimedes turbine de-icing, aiming at the improvement of the operation of small hydroelectric power plants, the activity covered by the project shall be classified as Engineering activities and related technical consultancy. The innovative solution implemented in the present application for funding will contribute to the improved efficiency of small hydroelectric power plants equipped with Archimedes turbines, which concerns both existing and newly designed facilities. This solution concerns in particular the operation of turbines in winter conditions. Ice in different forms reduces the efficiency of a turbine and impedes its operation, i.e. due to temporary decommissioning caused by frosting of the screw turbine and accumulation of ice or slush within the structure. As part of the works covered by this project, a proprietary system will be implemented in the SHP Uniegoszcz, which will consist in heat recovery from the devices cooperating with the Archimedes turbine and its transfer to the screw turbine structure and bed. As an effect, the average annual production of energy from the system will be increased by about 10%, which will provide measurable benefits for the economy and the environment.
The construction of the Uniegoszcz SHP will contribute to increasing measurable benefits in the fuel and energy balance by increasing the share of energy from renewable sources and reducing CO2 emissions. The implementation of the project allowed for the implementation of a product on the market, unavailable in terms of its features and parameters, allowing for increasing the efficiency of both new and as well as existing hydropower plants, contributing to increased efficiency, shortening the implementation time of MEW projects and the related costs.
Project included activities such:
- Construction of SHP facility.
- Research, development and implement of a turbine with de-icing system.
- Cooperation with Partner including searching solutions to faced problems.
The innovativeness of the application of the solutions will consist in the recovery of heat from devices cooperating with the Archimedes turbine and transferring it to the turbine bed and the air above the turbine. The structure will be heated by the convection of the temperature of the water flowing through the working vessel, the air temperature, the co-property of emergency conditions, water freezing the turbine''s electrical circuit. The generation of heat in the gears and the generator is the result of their operation with the abrasion and bearing of the shafts, at the current state of technology, which cannot be started. Currently, there are water power supplies available, accessible through heating components, which may cause the need to install system modules.
The implementation of the project contributed to the construction of a hydroelectric power plant and the implementation of a proprietary turbine de-icing system in the constructed facility of the Uniegoszcz SHP. The implementation of the project allowed for the delivery to the market of an innovative system enabling continuous and effective operation of small hydroelectric power plants (MEW), equipped with an Archimedes turbine (offering a solution for other hydroelectric plants).
The product developed by the Applicant has unique features and parameters that have not been available on the domestic market so far:
- turbine de-icing system increasing the turbine operation period - transfer of heat generated in the installation, which is a side effect of the system operation, to the rotor structure, the turbine bed and the air above it, then the heated structure will be able to convectionally raise the temperature of the water flowing through the working vessel and the air above it. As a result, the average annual operation time of the turbine will be extended by 10%;
- the use of a generator instead of an asynchronous engine - with high flow variability, which is characteristic of friendly power plants (without a reservoir), the use of a synchronous generator that allows to work with good efficiency in a much greater range of revolutions, increased energy production. The asynchronous motor works with high efficiency only in a narrow range of revolutions. The solution will also be compatible with energy storage in the "plug-in" system. Additional functionality resulting from the project is the ability to work in the "off grid" system. As part of the project implementation, cooperation with local administration is foreseen in order to use the Applicant''s facilities as an emergency power supply for strategic facilities and public administration. The result of using a generator instead of an asynchronous engine will increase production by about 7% and the possibility of off-grid operation. The launch of a new product in the form of an Archimedes turbine with the indicated parameters will increase the efficiency of the new SHPs, both by increasing production and reducing investment outlays.
Each increase in the efficiency of such an installation allows for a greater reduction in carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
In case of this project where the average flows last about 110 days a year turbine with an installed capacity of 90kW, we estimate that the use of the system and the extension of the operation of a single hydropower plant will allow to save at least 32,560 kg of CO2 at the operating stage per year (only resulting from the increase in power plant efficiency).
Summary of bilateral results
Thanks to the cooperation with the partner and the exchange of experiences, the beneficiary has learned about a number of possibilities for improving the operation of hydroelectric power plants and other hydrotechnical facilities exposed to debris deposition. Together we designed cost-efficient and sustainable solution for removing incoming debris from the site.The cooperation between the beneficiary and the Partner does not end with the current project, because we have already found applications for the partner''s technology for future project. We want to use Partner de-sand technology in project connected with fish spawning area protection (Salmo Salar).