A concept of efficient use of biomass.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Świat Drewna Dominik Jabłoński(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


We have been involved in wood processing for more than a dozen years – from debarking and drying wood to manufacturing of wood products and window joinery components. Our most important business partner is the world leader in roof windows production – the Danish Velux.

More than a third of the processed wood is discarded in the processing as sawdust, offcuts and chips, and this waste is the most valuable raw material for pellet production. We have therefore developed a concept for the efficient management of wood biomass and wood chips. We will launch the production of biofuel – premium pellets with high calorific value and innovative ozonated mulch pellets. Premium pellets will be superior to competing products in terms of: technical parameters such as the purity of the biomass used and the homogeneity of dimensions and final parameters, energy properties, i.e. calorific value, and the certainty of the origin of the feedstock – the use of wood biomass (instead of vegetable biomass, such as straw or willow) at controlled moisture content and purity. The maximum annual production volume will be 15 360 tons.

The project includes the construction of a production shed, the purchase of a production line and vehicles for transporting and loading wood, as well as scientific and research cooperation with the University of Life Sciences in Cracow. The cooperation will consist in verifying the technological parameters of the pellets, which will lead to obtaining a quality certificate that allows the product to be placed on foreign markets. The 150 kW photovoltaic installation will reduce annual electricity consumption by 0.14 GW and reduce CO2 emissions by 109 tons per year.

Summary of project results

The main goal to achieve for Beneficiary was to manage plenty of wood waste storage. Thus he decided to implement on the Renewable Source of Energy (RSE) market a brand new fuel – high value wood pellets. This decision gave a second life for this waste.

Beneficiary is still in possession of the dry wood wastes from current production process – he owns one of the biggest sawmill in the region. Sawmill produces a lot of wood waste. This waste, i. e. shredded wood has no many variation for further implementation. Moreover due to the fact that this is a dry wood waste, it is very fleeting also. Therefore, Beneficiary decided to open a new division, strictly connected with RSE and biofuel – pellets. From Beneficiary’s point of view this step would solve problem with waste storage management.

The call announced in 2020 was a tool for Beneficiary to diversify its business. Therefore, he decided to apply for co-financing within Norway Grants. Eventually after the assessment process which was done by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development Beneficiary achieved the grant and his plans came true.

It is important to underline that pellet production line is supported by photovoltaic (PV) installation with power of 150 kilowatts. This means, that not only the final product fulfil RSE description but the main core of the projects does it too.

Thus Norway Grants allowed to:

- transform these wood wastes into a brand new product – two kind of pellets,

- open a new division within Beneficiary’s business,

- increase the incomes and the net revenue.

The main project’s outputs are:

- production hall – place where the project’s outputs are working,

- pellet production line – the core of the investment responsible for main products – two brand new types of biofuel – pellets,

- photovoltaic (PV) installation with power of 150 kilowatts – RSE supporting the production line, providing CO2 emission reduction by 109.12 tonnes and demand limitation of 0.14 gigawatt hours of electric energy every year.

- loader, forklift and truck – tools which are supporting production and delivery process.

Activities done during the project:

- advisory service – one of the eligible costs was a service which provided the certifications and proved the quality of the new pellets.

There are two kinds of project recipients: Beneficiary, and local community.

Project’s implementation provided for Beneficiary:

- wood waste second life – two new types of pellets,

- brand new division within his company (next to sawmill) – it allows to maintain the presence on the wood market when one has decreasing incomes.

- substantial increase of income and net revenue,

- Beneficiary as a entity who is responsible for natural environment, who makes his business within circular economy through sustainable development.

For local community:

- four new labour places – reduction of unemployment indicator,

- new production line produces biofuel (RSE) – two kinds of pellets,

- production process is covered partly by RSE – photovoltaic installation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.