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Elektrotum provides services related to electric and power networks and systems, as well as photovoltaic installations for companies and individual customers. Under the project I am building an innovative photovoltaic farm with a capacity of 0.99 MW, which will help promote renewable energy sources, win customers for my photovoltaic installation services and present potential customers with economic, social and environmental benefits of having a system that generates renewable energy. The project innovation consists in using photovoltaic modules with a capacity of more than 500 Wp. The efficiency of these modules will be 20.2%. As a result, the cost of power generation will be about 6% lower compared to the systems where modules with an average capacity are used. Power generated during the use of the farm will be sold in an auction system.
Energy yields from the solar system will be permanently controlled by means of a special application to be purchased as part of the project, in addition to the system equipment and fencing.
The new solar farm will help reduce the CO2 emission level by about 800 tons a year as compared to conventional energy sources.
Summary of project results
The solar power plant construction project is aimed to increase ELEKTROTUM’s competitiveness. It will use eco-friendly technological solutions and introduce measures leading to the implementation of innovative solutions in the company, which in turn lead to:
- the development of the entrepreneur’s business, especially: increase in revenue, profit and employment, and at the same time reduced emissions to the atmosphere.
The project concerns the introduction of a new solution to the Beneficiary''s business, a photovoltaic farm, which allows potential customers to be shown the economic, social and environmental benefits of having a photovoltaic installation producing renewable energy. This is an extension of the Beneficiary''s activities aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the ELEKTROTUM company and generating revenues from the sale of renewable energy. The beneficiary built a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of 998 kW. The constructed photovoltaic farm additionally serves as a demonstration of the Beneficiary''s ability to provide farm construction services or installation of photovoltaic installations for various clients (including companies, state entities and individual clients) as an extension of its business. As part of the completed project, a marketing innovation was also implemented, i.e. a new marketing strategy was implemented for the needs of the new project (new positioning of the company and product, i.e. renewable energy - energy production, installation of photovoltaic installations).
As a result of the project, 3 innovative solutions were implemented:
- Photovoltaic modules with a power output of more than 500 Wp,
- An application, which enables permanent control over the energy yields of the photovoltaic installation,
- Marketing innovations, i.e. a new marketing strategy for the new project (new positioning of the company and the product - renewable energy).
The implementation of innovative solutions in the company contributed to the development of the entrepreneur’s business. They mostly aim to:
- increase competitiveness of the company,
- increase the revenue (additional source of recurring income from renewable energy production and from attracting customers for photovoltaic installation services thanks to the solar power plant and the innovative solutions used in the installation of photovoltaic systems will make it possible to demonstrate to potential customers the economic, social and environmental benefits of having an installation producing renewable energy),
- increase profit (the project has a significant impact on increasing the company''s profitability),
- increase employment,
- raise the company''s profile,
- increase the company''s assets,
- promote renewable energy sources (photovoltaics),
- reduce emissions to the atmosphere.
The constructed photovoltaic farm guarantees an increase in revenues as an additional source of permanent income from the production of renewable energy. The subject of the project, i.e. the construction of a photovoltaic farm, on the one hand, allows the Beneficiary to obtain permanent income from the sale of energy to energy distributors, and on the other hand, it is a model investment for the presentation of technology and an incentive for potential buyers of this type of solution, i.e. for individual buyers as household savings, for companies or state entities as energy savers or investors in farms.
The constructed photovoltaic farm (implementation of an innovative technology for generating energy from renewable energy sources and introducing a new product, i.e. generating electricity, the so-called "green product") contributes to attracting customers for photovoltaic installation services by enabling potential customers to be shown the economic, social and environmental benefits of their installation producing renewable energy.