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Person Investments is the owner of the building in Komorów, a village near Warsaw, where one of the best nursing homes in Poland is located, and operated by the House with the Heart Foundation. Observing the needs of residents and their families, we noticed that it would be particularly important to improve the ongoing communication between them. That is why we decided to improve the transfer of information about the health condition of our residents to their families, as well as to establish a direct video connection between the residents and their families, by means of an innovative system of two-way communication. The system, based on dedicated software for computers and smartphones, will enable the family to take care of their loved one from virtually anywhere in the world. Data on health condition, test results or general well-being will be entered into the system by medical staff of the nursing home - occupational therapists, social workers and caregivers. In addition, if a patient is unable to move, they will be equipped with innovative medical wristbands that monitor basic vital functions - heart rate, body temperature, activity, etc.
Under the project we will develop communication objectives for the IT tool, specify the target groups for the system, conduct a market analysis and acquire legal and technological advisory services. UX mockups of the new application will be prepared and user tests will be carried out. Then the backend and frontend of the application based on the Android operating system will be developed. At the end of the project, an information and promotion strategy will be prepared to help promote the new solution on the market.
Summary of project results
A high level of product complexity may raise the possibility of failure to bring the product to market. The risk may be caused by the limited technological capabilities of the Applicant or independent external factors. Taking into account the dynamically changing law and rapid technological changes, it is necessary to follow trends that have a key impact on the development of the industry. Risk is also associated with the long application evaluation period. The technology on which the product is based may become obsolete in a short time.
Another is cyber threats. We are talking about security: business processes, colleagues and technologies used. In order to eliminate susceptibility to new methods of online theft, periodic assessments and tests of IT systems security, as well as training for staff, will be used.
The applicant allows for the possibility of limiting the scope of design work due to the upcoming economic crisis. It is planned, if possible, to co-finance part of the scope of design work so that the implementation of the project is not threatened by incorrect market recognition. The need to incur additional costs - the risk is that costs are incorrectly estimated in the project budget, which will translate into additional expenses that may, in turn, negatively affect the financial liquidity of the company. The applicant will take preventive measures by purchasing comprehensive consulting services and employing a qualified entity for the position of chief accountant.
In order to protect itself against the risk of loss of reputation, the Applicant plans to introduce communication channels enabling any institution or person to submit their comments. Moreover, before starting permanent cooperation, it is planned to initially verify the contractors'' activities. Another is the risk of high inflation - inflation is a natural phenomenon occurring in the economy. The temporary nature of a company''s obligations means that only after the end of a given period of validity, the company can adjust its prices.
A significant part of the actions taken under the so-called "Anti-Crisis Shield" is based on increasing the money supply, which may imply an increase in inflation of the Polish currency. The applicant intends to take actions: establishing long-term contacts, determining the company''s earnings in the form of commission, entering indexation into long-term contracts.
The aim of the project was to develop and implement an innovative solution on the market that will improve the quality of life, especially of elderly and disabled people, increase the business competences of project leaders and management staff, and contribute to the development of the company by selling manufactured products, generating revenues and profit. The products introduced to the offer will be dedicated to external customers. If you want to raise the issue of the overall impact of the project on the target group, you should present them with the following problems that they have been struggling with for a long time, such as: Lack of understanding of society''s needs, expectations and opportunities, Inability or difficulty in performing everyday activities independently. Unavailability on the market of products that meet their needs or satisfy these needs to a too narrow extent, Limited opportunities for professional/emotional development, which is related to deteriorating health, lower financial possibilities due to retirement or emerging stress. Reluctance from others, especially young people, caused by lack of understanding, which in turn is caused by the generation gap in Poland leading to social exclusion, Difficulty in finding a job. By using the developed system, the Applicant will provide external clients with solutions to the above issues, offering them an accessible tool, intended mainly for target groups of excluded people.
The functionalities ensure complete comprehensiveness of the system and enable, above all, two-way communication between nursing home residents and their families, who will also be able to monitor the health of their loved ones on an ongoing basis. The innovative solution will support the development of other systems that will contribute to improving the quality of life of excluded people and sensitizing society to their problems.
The funding was a key factor in the development of the Applicant''s company on many levels. It contributed primarily to achieving the main goal of the project, which was to develop and implement innovative technology that improves the quality of life, but it also benefited the project leaders and the rest of the management staff by increasing the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to maintain and develop business activities. In turn, the increase in the value of the company encouraged potential investors and allowed for further development of innovative solutions.
The target group are older people, people with disabilities and their families and caregivers. First of all, the direct beneficiaries were the residents of the Dom z Sercem center and their families, and then the service was offered to all interested nursing homes in Poland. The system operated exclusively in the cloud, which on the one hand ensured greater security and, on the other hand, lower costs and convenience for licensees. Additionally, the system used physical elements, i.e. innovative wristbands controlling basic life functions. The operating range of nursing homes in which the system can be sold is Poland, but families using the system will live all over the world. The system will directly benefit people living in care homes, but will ultimately contribute to society as a whole. More than half of all residents of nursing homes are elderly people, usually after strokes, heart attacks, dementia, they are dependent people, i.e. in need of care - starting from basic care consisting in assistance in carrying out everyday activities and conducting activities by occupational therapists, through therapeutic and psychiatric care for people with dementia, up to full care for bedridden people. For able-bodied people, trips and activities are organized outside the centers, while for disabled people, passive activities and performances by volunteers and artists in the rooms are organized. A system of communication and management of nursing home staff, allowing the elderly, disabled and excluded to contact their loved ones, which will significantly improve their sense of security - thanks to this, they will not feel excluded from the lives of their families, friends and society. Functionality consisting in access to information and online communication between the resident and his or her family, enabling the receipt of data on the health condition of a loved one, activities performed by the nursing home staff and their general functioning in the community.