Increasing the competitiveness of KYOJI sp.z o.o. through the implementation of innovative product and process solutions

Project facts

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Donor Project Partners:
Ilder AS(NO)

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The need for our project results from the diagnosed problems in examining the intensity of emotions and feelings in people with mental disorders (depression, bipolar disorder) and suffering from chronic diseases with permanent and severe pain. Kyoji has developed a device for recording the intensity and time of moods, behaviours and pain, which will improve communication between those patients and their doctors, therapists and caregivers. Registration takes place when the device is squeezed. The device has an internal memory, and it can send data wirelessly to the smartphone application. It is intended for use both at medical institutions including hospitals, palliative wards and hospices, and in home care.

At present, the product baseline and small scale pilot production are available, and the aim of the project is to improve the device by adding functional features such as: wireless charging, a higher tightness class, higher mechanical strength and the ability to connect and transfer data to and from a medical facility/institution. To that end, the project will cover the construction of a measuring position with oscilloscope and true RMS multimeter; the purchase of software for designing electronic diagrams and 3d modeling, and a 3d printer. Technical consulting services will be contracted to develop and test the wireless charging technology and an IOT gate prototype. In addition, an RTV silicone production technology will be developed. Technical mentoring services will cover the areas of wireless charging and Bluetooth. Market analysis will also be prepared.

The Norwegian partner, Ilder AS, is an IT services company which will delegate two experts to work on our project: the project coordinator who will be responsible for supervision over all the works and consultations in the technological area, and a technical expert who will be responsible for consultations in the field of embedded software, machine learning and Big Data.

Summary of project results




Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner, Ilder AS, delegated two experts to work on our project: the project coordinator responsible for supervision over all the works and general consultations in the technological area, and a technical expert giving advice in the field of embedded software, machine learning and Big Data.Beside taking direct advantage of the Partner’s expertise, our company and the project have benefited from the partnership in the following ways:1.Sharing resources, such as personnel and equipment, which helped to lower the costs and increase efficiency;2.Bringing varied experience and perspectives to the projects, which resulted in more creative and efficient solutions being created;3.Increased credibility with clients;4.Expanding the business networks and entering new markets.The partnership is already being continued after the project completion as a new long-term framework cooperation agreement has been signed between our two companies.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.