Boost21 - Boost the 21st Century Skills among School Students to Meet the Rapid Changes by Implementing the Innovative Approaches and Tools

Project facts

Project promoter:
Thames British School(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
FURIM Institutt(NO)


Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship being one of the strategic objectives for cooperation in education and training at the EU-level, helps to foster the cooperation between European Union and Norway to further enrich the quality and inclusiveness of national education and training systems.
In this regard, 21st Century Soft skills are a critical part of life, and it is very important to practice on it and these skills can be improved with the right training.
21st Century Soft skills refer to using abilities to come up with new solutions to problems including techniques used to look at the issue from different and creative angles, using the right tools to assess it and develop a plan.
The Boost21 project focuses on improving the 21st Century Soft skills of school students that will contribute to making them more resilient even in crisis situations such as COVID-19.

The overall goals of the project are:
- to improve the 21st Century Soft Skills of school students and to make them more resilient even in crisis situations by developing an innovative gamification-based platform that will bring together the educational resources and teachers and students
- to assure that the school professionals acquire necessary knowledge and competences as well as gain new approaches and implement the non-formal education tools in line with the formal learning curriculum.

The specific aim of the project is to develop and implement educational and mentorship resources that will enable school students to improve their 21st Century Soft skills and competencies like creative thinking, communications, problem-solving, and flexibility. The project also aims to enhance the involvement in the learning process of the students and teachers by developing the digital gamification-based platform.

The main target group of the project is school students who are in need of learning the creativity and other transversal and soft skills.

Summary of project results

The Boost21 project aims to increase the quality and inclusiveness of national education systems by strengthening education and training cooperation between Poland and Norway. In this context, it focuses on the soft skills of the 21st century, which are of critical importance and require continuous development. These skills provide students with the ability to solve problems from different and creative perspectives and enable them to be resilient even in crisis situations.

In the project, an innovative gamification-based platform that brings students and teachers together has been developed. This platform offers students the opportunity to develop skills such as creative thinking, communication, problem solving and flexibility. In addition, it provides education professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to adopt and implement new approaches compatible with formal education programs.
Boost21 encourages students and teachers to be more involved in the educational process. Thanks to the training and mentoring resources developed for students, significant developments have been made in 21st century soft skills. 

The project has increased the psychological resistance of students, especially during crisis periods such as pandemics, and enabled them to be more prepared for all kinds of difficulties.
The long-term impacts from the project strengthen the adaptability of students and educators to the ever-evolving global world and equip them to meet future challenges. Thanks to the integration and collaboration provided by Boost21, education systems are encouraged to become more innovative, inclusive and interactive.
The success of this project highlights the critical role soft skills play in students'' lives and how these skills are vital even in times of crisis.

Summary of bilateral results

There was a continuous and transparent communication process between the partners. All parties were informed about the project status, its progress and difficulties encountered. Regular meetings, email updates, and online collaboration tools support this process.The roles and responsibilities of each partner in the project were clearly defined from the beginning. In this way, their responsibilities are properly managed and conflicts of responsibilities are prevented.Mutual trust and respect are essential for effective cooperation. Partners value each other''s knowledge and contributions and trust each other to achieve common project goals. Our project partners carried out this process flexibly and work together in harmony.The other partner''s opinion was taken into account when making important decisions. The participatory approach increased ownership and motivation of the parties in all aspects of the project. Although there was no conflict during our project, the parties were prepared to develop resolution mechanisms in the event of conflict.Partners are united in striving to achieve common project goals. They prioritize the overall success of the project rather than individual interests. Partners contributed to enriching the project by sharing their knowledge and experiences. This increased the innovation potential of the project and allowed for learning and development for all parties.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.