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Through the implementation of the project, it is planned to develop an innovative effective mechanism cross-sectoral cooperation between vocational schools and employers. At the same time, an educational (diagnostic) tool for students will be created, examining their interests and professional predispositions. The planned results are a response to the diagnosed problems in the region, i.e. knowledge deficits among students who face a choice of professional career, entrepreneurs and vocational schools in terms of maladjustment to mutual expectations and needs. Project activities are an intervention to the changing challenges of the market, work and the need to improve the accessibility of VET to the modern education system through increasing the involvement of entrepreneurs in the process of teaching practical vocational training.
Thanks to the interinstitutional cooperation, it is planned to develop a modern edu. tool (IT program), which will support students finishing primary school in choosing an occupation and a mechanism for partnership between schools and enterprises aimed at improving the quality of VET. Recommendations and conclusions for actions enhancing cooperation between employers and schools in the region will be developed as part of cross-sectoral edu. workshops and conferences for representatives of the edu. sector and the market. Exchange of good practices and experiences among participants of the project, will enable the implementation of the above assumptions. The participants of the project will be representatives staff working in the field of education and representatives of educational and business entities. Through interinstitutional cooperation and the use of Icelandic practices, incl. the dual system teaching, the project will include: a mechanism for cooperation between schools and entrepreneurs and a tool for students, i.e. an application that examines the types of professional personality of people preparing to enter the labour market.
Summary of project results
According to the justification provided in the application, many problems in the field of education and vocational training, career counseling, and school-employer relationships have been diagnosed in the region. Therefore, it became necessary to undertake various types of actions that would positively impact the observed difficulties in the region, which took place in the implemented project.
Thus, during the reported period from April 29, 2022, to April 28, 2024, the following tasks were completed: 1) June 20-21, 2022 - project meeting No. 1 in Poland 2) September 19-21, 2022 - educational workshop in Iceland 3) March 2, 2023 - educational workshop No. 2 in Poland - online form 4) December 18, 2023 - educational workshop No. 3 in Poland 5) August 2023-February 2024 - tender procedure aimed at organizing the second educational workshop at the Partner''s location 6) April 24, 2024 - international conference combined with an expert debate 7) April 23-24, 2024 - project meeting No. 2 in Poland. Additionally, during 2023 and 2024, RPI No. 1 was implemented, where, together with 5 experts in the field of education, psychology, and career counseling, the assumptions and characteristics of an educational tool - an application supporting students in grades VII-VIII of primary school in choosing a career path - were developed.
The development of this tool also took place thanks to cooperation with a foreign partner and stakeholders from various industries during project meetings and workshops. In summary, the project activities were an intervention in response to the changing challenges of the labor market and the need to improve the accessibility of vocational education to a modern teaching system by increasing the involvement of entrepreneurs in the process of practical vocational education. Furthermore, the created tool addresses the diagnosed problems in the region and is of great importance to students as it supports their educational and ultimately professional path choices. It also contributes to shaping a proactive attitude among young people towards planning future work and stimulates the analysis of their abilities and predispositions. As a result, the tool not only helps students but also contributes in the long term to the proper development of the labor market.
Summary of bilateral results
As part of the implemented project, a decision was made to cooperate with the Westfjords Regional Development Office, which has experience in activities for the development of the Westfjords region through numerous projects and cooperation with municipalities, research institutes, universities, and entrepreneurs. Therefore, cooperation with such a unit from a country that is part of the Donor States was a great opportunity for mutual exchange of experiences in the field of education, career counseling, the labor market, and furthermore, the possibility of using or being inspired by Icelandic solutions in these areas. The partnership not only led to an increase in knowledge but also allowed for a different perspective to be gained, including on the dual education system. Importantly, bilateral cooperation has repeatedly led to the conclusion that despite significant differences between Poland and Iceland, problems in the broadly understood education sector, career counseling, or school cooperation with entrepreneurs are similar regardless of geographical width. Thus, the idea of partnership in the implemented project proved successful, and in the event of the opportunity to benefit from further support, it would certainly be continued.