Preparation of the educational program ""Interfaith and intercultural dialogue based on the scientific experience of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Norwegian social organizations

Project facts

Project promoter:
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Polsk Senter(NO)


The project is a response of the academic community to the changing demographic and cultural situation resulting from the intensified migration processes,globalist tendencies and the emergence of an open society ensuring proper conditions for cultivating religious and cultural traditions for minorities.Taking over the experience of a partner from Norway,the academic community will develop a course of lectures taking into account the centuries-old experience of the coexistence of various religions and cultures within the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.The agency that performs the task in terms of content is the Center for East European Studies of the Ucrainicum Center of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin,dealing directly with the issues of the meeting of cultures and thePolish-Ukrainian borderland.In this area,it has considerable achievements and work that can be continued.10 people will be involved in the project. They represent different areas of research and competences.A given team is able to complete the tasks as fully as possible in terms of content,international and technical and logistics.The team''s activities include:1. Study trips to Norway and exchange of experience2. Scientific conference3. Collecting materials for the preparation of the course of lectures4. Preparation of materials5. Preparation of the project visualization(multimedia presentation,promotional film,board exhibition, project website);6. Organization of lectures and lectures.The methodology of observation,critical analysis of sources, experimental method and the method of diagnostic surveys will be used for the implementation of the project.The materials that will be created as a result of the project will constitute an innovative course of classes combining the experience of the Norwegian partner,which is a model model for the development of multicultural tendencies in Western Europe and for researching the multicultural tradition created in Eastern Europe

Summary of project results

The project is a response of the academic community to the changing demographic and cultural situation resulting from increased migration processes, globalistic trends, the emergence of an open society, and the need for a fair environment for the cultivation of religious and cultural traditions.
The project is a response of the academic community to the changing demographic and cultural situation resulting from increased migration processes and global trends, the emergence of an open society that provides fair conditions for minorities to cultivate their religious and cultural traditions.
minorities. Few people know that the Norwegian constitution was mainly based on the Polish Constitution of the 3rd of May. Poland has centuries of experience of coexistence of different religions and cultures. Norway today is also a multinational and multicultural country. Moreover, now in the situation of the war in Ukraine, we are experiencing even more the phenomenon of migration, living in a multicultural country. The developed educational program is an opening to the problem of meeting cultures. The importance of the project is that in the current political and war situation, intercultural dialogue is the language of peace and understanding. Only openness to other faiths and other culture is able to stop the war - this is the conclusion of the project''s closing conference held in Norway, which was attended, among others, by refugees from Ukraine.
The project involved the development of an educational program "Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue", which will be available in 3 language versions: Polish, English and Norwegian. Another result is a post-conference publication, which consists of papers by experts who gave speeches during the conferences in Poland and Norway. Further resulates are a report on evaluation research conducted during the project. Four project meetings were also held.

Summary of bilateral results

Partnering with an institution from a Donor State was the premise of the project from the very beginning. Cooperation with the Norwegian partner proceeded in accordance with the Beneficiary''s assumptions and expectations. Leftappointed project teams on the part of the Beneficiary and the Partner. Regular meetings of the project team in form online and project meetings allowed for the development of communication methods and a work plan project. The cooperation resulted in the Beneficiary being able to better understand the situation of Norway''s multinationality and the history of the formation of multinationality, with Norway still retaining its identity. Definitely, this cooperation has resulted in improved knowledge and understanding of the issues related to the project topics.Further cooperation between the Beneficiary and the Partner is planned, but without formalizing it. The coordinator plans to participate in conferences and trainings organized by the Partner, during which he will share his experience in the field of intercultural dialogue as well as his knowledge of the history of European multiculturalism.At the moment no decision has been made to implement new co-financed projects.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.