Between Fjords and the Carpathians - Platform for the exchange of experiences in the field of tourism education

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Bronisław Markiewicz State University of Technology and Economics in Jarosław(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Nord universitet(NO)
Other Project Partners
Association of the Carpathian Euoregion Poland(PL)


The main idea of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education at the secondary and higher level in the field of tourism in the border area of the Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion, using Norwegian models. The project will result in the activation of employment of graduates of vocational schools and the Bronisław Markiewicz State University of Technology And Economics  (PWSTE) in Jarosław by entities operating in tourism industry in the border area. In order to achieve these assumptions, the project provides for the development by the Scientific Team of proposal for new, two curricula at the secondary and higher vocational level, which will be implemented in schools by the Applicant, and then by subsequent schools in the Carpathian Euroregion, ensuring long-term benefits.
The innovative character will be ensured by the cooperation platform created in the project in the form of two types of workshops: a co-creation workshop and quality circles. Scheduled study visits will allow the exchange of experiences between partners. An element of effective promotion will be the Carpathian Educational Forum, devoted to tourism education, attended by specialists from Poland and abroad.

Summary of project results

he main goal of the project was to develop solutions to improve the quality of vocational education at secondary and higher levels in the field of tourism in the border area of ​​the Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion, using Norwegian models. Thanks to the implementation of the project, better relations were established between the Beneficiary and the project partners, which allowed for the exchange of experiences related to secondary and higher education.

 The report prepared as part of RPI_1 allowed for the identification of possible changes in the curriculum. The study visits and project meetings allowed for the development of RPI_2 regarding the "Carpathia Brand" strategy, which presents and describes the opportunities and possibilities of using tourism education to improve the quality of education. Thanks to the development of two documents allowing for the analysis and adoption of a strategy, the implementation of RPI_3 began, focusing on the adoption of study programs that will be in force at State University of Applied Sciences in Jaroslaw from the academic year 2024/2025.

 In addition, the curriculum will be implemented in partner secondary schools in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, which offer courses preparing young people for work in the tourism sector. The project also allowed for deepening cooperation between State University of Applied Sciences in Jaroslaw and University in Bodo, which will be continued after the end of the project with the support of the Carpathian Euroregion (project partner).

Summary of bilateral results

The most important benefit of having institutions from the Donor States was the possibility of cooperation focusing on the creation of a joint report under RPI_1, which contributed to the creation of subsequent project documents. Thanks to the possibility of meetings both on-site and remotely, changes were introduced in the curricula of study fields, which will use Norwegian models in preparing future staff (increasing the quality of teaching in the VET sector).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.