Innovative vocational education and training in Eastern Wielkopolska in the context of energy transition

Project facts

Project promoter:
Łukasiewicz Research Network – The Institute for Sustainable Technologies(PL)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
FURIM Institutt(NO)
Other Project Partners
The Center for Craft Support
Dual and Vocational Training in Konin(PL)


The project is implemented by 3EU organisations working in the field of adult and VET educa.:Łukasiewicz Research Network-Institute for Sustainable Technology,PL(leader),The Center for Craft Support,Dual and Vocational Training  in Konin,PL and FURIM Institute,Oslo, NO.
Main objective is to prepare the local government units (JST),as the managing bodies of VET educat.institutions and other stakeholders,to take up the challenge of changing the structure of the economy as a result of the energy transformation in the East.Wielk.region.  
The project beneficiaries’ll be entrepreneurs and institutions in the field of educ.and economy interested in the develop.and implement.of the strategy(over 210 participants).Directly&indirectly the inhabitants of the region,who’ll benefit from the effects of the project during the process of planning and realisation of educat.and vocat.paths.
Needs diagnosis’ll be carried out with the participation of employers and VET institut.due to the necessity of introd.innovative of employers'' needs and the necessity of modification of the VET educat.offer in the project counties’ll take place through a developed research tool(questionnaire and in-depth interviews).
VET Strategy identify innovative directions of with the participation of employers,during social consultations.It allows to better preparation for the challenges related to the change in the economic structure of the region,new needs in terms of preparing future employees and the need to adjust the directions and quality of educat.
Instruments of the field of continuing education and VET training with NO and PL will be presented as good practices of cooper.between schools and employers.
The innovativeness of the project is the development of complementary strategy for the area established by the EU as a region for energy transfor.and as well as none of the leading authority in Eastern Wielk.possess it.

Summary of project results

The project is in line with the EU priorities concerning the transition to a sustainable and climate-neutral economy. The main objective of the project was to prepare territorial self-government units of Eastern Wielkopolska as the bodies which run vocational education institutions and vocational training institutions to take up the challenges connected with the change in the economic structure as a result of the energy transition in Eastern Wielkopolska. Changes in the structure of the economy create a demand for new competencies, new professions and new skills.

Thanks to the project activities, a diagnosis was developed, i.e. the actual state of the faculties and specialities within which vocational education and training is provided in Eastern Wielkopolska.
The involvement of representatives of local authorities supervising and managing vocational training establishments as well as the representatives of vocational training providers and employers resulted in a great deal of interest and input into the developed results and, very important in this type of activity, joint support in terms of actions and undertakings with a common objective, i.e. the proposed changes.
The outputs developed in the project were achieved through specific objectives implemented jointly through the stakeholder group described above.
The specific objectives included a diagnosis of the resources, potential and needs of the VET sector with an intention to increase the knowledge of local VET stakeholders in the area of implementation of the latest development programmes and strategies in the VET sector. The project intended to define, disseminate and implement instruments of cooperation between employers and VET establishments and to promote VET among young people and the local society.

The developed results received general approval of the environment in which they were developed and are consistent with the documents and actions relevant for the region, i.e: "Education for Wielkopolska" in which the need to increase the quality and access to education, acquisition and development of skills, including key skills, and adaptation of vocational education to the current needs of the labour market was indicated.

Summary of bilateral results

Project partner – the Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education in Konin, an institution of strong standing in the region in the field of vocational education and training. An institution which also conducts its own research into the labour market and vocational education, i.e. educational activities for both students and teachers.If it were not for the Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education in Konin, which created a partnership with local governments, employers and vocational training institutions, the implementation of this project would not have had the chance for its current success.The dialogue started by the Konin Partner among the institutions interested and open to the project translated into the quality of the results developed in the project and their consistency with the documents relevant to Eastern Wielkopolska.We would like to emphasise that the institution from Konin is the most important partner in this project because it knows the VET environment of the region and this particular environment knows and respects the Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education. It was an ideal partner to carry out the project activities, it carried out the tasks very well, which translated into the quality of the entire project.The Norwegian partner is an institution that has experience in developing strategies and changes relevant to the Oslo regions. The Norwegian partner''s experience of how and where change can be implemented has proved invaluable in terms of the results developed. The Norwegian partner also presented examples of strategies that had to be stopped due to changes that had not been identified at the approval stage. It proves that change is fraught with the risk of failure if institutions or plans are not adequately prepared for the change process.The partnership in the project was very well chosen and achieved the tasks set. We are considering to develop a new project based

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