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The Aion project is a response to the contemporary, pressing needs of people with intellectual disabilities aimed at the development of the education and employment support sector. The development of the education and care system for this group in Poland at present allows for good and complete protection of the needs of this group of people, which will make them well cared for and at the same time almost completely invisible. Meanwhile, pedagogical thought and EU legislation are aimed at equalizing opportunities and ensuring equal access to education for all students. On the basis of the considerations, a project was created to reconstruct the Polish path of education preparing for work, to develop an innovative model of lifelong learning for graduates of special schools and to develop a strategy for supporting employment and professional activation of people with disabilities. The entire conceptual and implementation work will be based on the Design Thinking method, allowing for the generation of tailor-made solutions for the needs of recipients as well as personal and institutional conditions. The project will involve partners bringing multidimensional and cross-sectoral knowledge, skills and experience - Special School Complex No. 4 (special education facility); ITI Foundation - ambassador of people with intellectual disabilities and implementer of many activities for their empowerment; NOE Association - an entity associating scientists of the Silesian University of Technology involved in creating innovation in education Logis Logmenn - an Icelandic corporation looking for innovative solutions in the field of education development, support for disadvantaged groups and building transnational partnerships to improve the quality of education. All project activities will also be covered by systematic scientific research ensuring grounding in the theory and providing the basis for drawing lasting and well-established conclusions from the implemented practice.