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The project allows for increased mobility in higher education between one university in Poland and six universities in Norway. The project will be carried out in the scope of:
a. Student mobility:
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Donor States and incoming mobilities of students from the Donor States for study periods lasting from 3 to 12 months within an academic year.
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Donor States and incoming mobilities of students from the Donor States for work placements from lasting from 2 to 12 months within an academic year.
b. Staff mobility:
- Teaching assignment-based mobilities of academic teachers between Poland and the Donor States for a period of between one day and six weeks (a minimum of eight hours of teaching at the partner institution must be provided during one week of mobility).
- Higher Education Institution staff mobility between Poland and the Donor States for job shadowing, participation in seminars, training, workshops and conferences aimed at improving skills and expanding knowledge in a given field for a period of between one day and six weeks.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project, implemented under the Education Programme, Component 2, Mobility in Higher Education was to intensify educational cooperation between the University of Lodz and 6 higher education institutions from Norway through the exchange of students and staff between universities in the academic year 2022/23. For the University of Lodz, participation in the project is part of the university''s development and internationalization strategy, under which the University of Lodz wants to increase the number of students and staff participating in international mobility programmes and increase the number of international guests coming to the University of Lodz.
The project responded to the needs of UL students, granting them partial studies in Norway and opportunity to learn about the country and the Norwegian language.
10 mobilities with three partner institutions were implemented.
According to the surveys, completed by 10 mobility participants, participation in the exchange was a valuable and fruitful educational, didactic and professional experience. By completing one semester of study at Norwegian universities, students also increased their linguistic, cultural and social competences. They had the opportunity to study in an international environment, experiencing a different way of conducting classes. Staff of the University of Lodz, participating in short individual trainings, learned the specifics of working at Norwegian universities in the field of management and implementation of, among others, international mobility projects, bilateral agreements, as well as exchanged experience in creating an offer of classes, integration of international students, digitization of universities and didactic processes. Face-to-face discussions with the staff of partner universities contributed to the establishment and strengthening of professional contacts between the participants and their counterparts at partner universities.
An additional value of this project is the strengthening of cooperation between the University of Lodz and partner universities from Norway, which results in the continuation of cooperation under the Erasmus+ KA131 programme.
Summary of bilateral results
Cooperation with all partner universities was successful. The staff of partner universities responsible for organising mobilities were very helpful and supported incoming students and staff members from the University of Lodz. Cooperation with Molde University College was very effective, and the university supervisor involved in the project reacted quickly to the emerging difficulties. The new partnership with Kristiania University College was fruitful. It was managed to send 2 students and 2 staff members to the above-mentioned university for a semester mobility and a short training mobility, respectively. The university was very involved in the organisation of the training programme for two staff members from the University of Lodz. The staff of Kristana also supported the students of the University of Lodz, during their stay at the Norwegian university. Good cooperation with the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences resulted in the admission of two Polish students for student mobility. Cooperation with the three universities of Volda University College, Oslomet, University of Bergen, with which no mobility could be realised, focused on signing inter-institutional agreements and correspondence regarding the resignation of two Polish students from mobilities to Volda University College and Bergen and the lack of candidates to come to Poland from Oslomet. Partners'' universities offered different fields of study, which allowed for the promotion of outcoming offer at various faculties of the University of Lodz, allowing students to choose the right university to suit their interests and study profile. UL will continue its cooperation with universities in the field of student and staff exchange under the Erasmus+ programme. An important benefit is the expansion of international cooperation with a new partner, Kristiania University College, with which the University of Lodz plans to sign an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement.