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The project consists of mobilities between the WSB University in Poland and The University of Agder (NO), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO), and Haskolinn a Bifrost (IS). The project therefore enables increased mobility opportunities in higher education between Poland, Norway and Iceland in the scope of:
a. Student mobility:
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to the Donor States, and incoming mobilities of students from the Donor States for study periods lasting from 3 to 12 months within an academic year.
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Donor States and incoming mobilities of students from the Donor States for work placements from lasting from 2 to 12 months within an academic year.
b. Staff mobility:
- Teaching assignment-based mobilities for academic teachers between Poland and the Donor States for a period of between one day and six weeks (a minimum of eight hours of teaching at the partner institution must be provided during one week of mobility).
• HEI staff mobility between Poland and the Donor States for job shadowing, participation in seminars, training, workshops and conferences aimed at improving skills and expanding knowledge in a given field for a period of between one day and six weeks.
• Mobilities for representatives (employees) of companies from Poland and the Donor States for teaching assignments in a host institution for a period of between one day and six weeks.
Summary of project results
The project was addressed to students and staff of WSB University, Hogskulen pa Vestlandet and Bifrost University. The project was a resposne to increasing interest among students and university staff in mobility activities to donor states.
The short- and long-term goals of the project were to develop teaching methods based on best practices, transfer of innovative solutions in education, promotion of student and university staff mobility between Poland and donor states, promotion of partnership between universities and broadening the knowledge of project participants about partner countries.
As a result of the project, five mobilities were implemented.
Thanks to the project the number of people taking part in educational mobilities to donor states has increased, innovative solutions applied at partner universities will be adopted to the Polish market, and the educational offer of universities has been made more attractive.
All participants were satisfied with their participation in the project and all recommend taking part in it. They also all improved their skills and competences in their field of work. Thanks to the exchange, the students have, among other things, increased their self-confidence, are better able to adapt and find their way in new situations, have learnt about their strengths and weaknesses, have taken a greater interest in European affairs, and have felt more European. They learned how to function better in a group, to find solutions in difficult situations.
The staff who benefited from the mobility increased their organisational, management competences. They strengthened and expanded their contacts, strengthened their cooperation with the partner organisation and increased their language and cultural competences. Thus increasing their career opportunities.
Summary of bilateral results
The implementation of the project, and thus the increase in the number of students and staff covered by the mobility programme, has contributed to enriching the societies of the partner countries with staff with high competencies and skills, adapted to the current needs of the labour market. Upgrading the skills of citizens of the countries supported by the Education programme increases the chances of these individuals to develop professionally in their home country.The project also contributed to the exchange of knowledge and scientific experience and to the promotion of cultural diversity thereby raising the attractiveness of the curriculum at partner universities. In addition, mobility activities have contributed to the establishment of new contacts, both university and personal levels, and to the expansion of current cooperation between the universities involved in the project. In addition, the exchange of students and staff influenced the exchange of knowledge about the culture, living conditions and history of the partner countries, contributing to increased social and cultural awareness of the partner countries. A visit to a university in Norway contributed to the extension of the cooperation agreement to include a programme in Computer Science. Meanwhile, the arrival of a staff member from a partner university in Norway made both universities plan to submit joint projects.In addition, WSB University, inspired by the LEARNING LAB learned at the university in Norway, plans to implement a similar project at a university in Poland