3d Design for Creative Boost

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
3D Learning AS(NO)


The main aim of the project is to encourage and facilitate creative thinking and to provide a useful set of skills that fits the current and the future job market. Through the means of an educational program that consists of three modules, we would like to focus on three specializations which can be taught separately or jointly.

With an offer that is entertaining to two end groups (students - any age and NEETs) and among them mainly to the three narrowed target groups. We will create three modules:
- game asset design module aimed at young people and gamers of any age
- teaching aid design module aimed at teachers
- 3d data visualization design module, with the widest applications, but we wish to focus on NGO and government workers (including social care workers), who (based on our research) cannot afford professional data visualization services that large businesses use, but are in equal need of such services in the work they provide.

The educational program will be available as online course (with 3 independent modules), but optionally it can be used as a classroom taught course and as a self-study online tool. All educational material will remain available for graduates for revision or as a continuing education tool.

For each area, the project will deliver:
- a syllabus,
- a electronic handbook divided into 15 chapters (one for each lesson) in the form of a HTML website
- a set of video or animated tutorials and descriptions (1-3 per lesson)
- an interactive (HTML/JS) feedback test diagnosing the areas (learning outcomes) that require further learning
- 15 lesson scenarios for the teacher including specific guidance for online- and classroom-based training.

The training will be disseminated by means of 2 online workshops and an online conference.

Summary of project results

The main aim of the project was to encourage and facilitate creative thinking and to provide a useful set of skills that fits the current and the future job market. Through the means of an educational program that consists of three modules, we would like to focus on three specializations which can be taught separately or jointly.


During the project, study/business trips of the partners (2 to Norway, one to Poland) were carried out, during which the partners learned about each other''s working methods and participated in joint work sessions, contributing to the deepening of the partnership and building relationships between the institutions. During the visits, the partners also presented their activities in the field of equal treatment and inclusive education. As part of the dissemination activities, a number of online trainings on the Discord platform were carried out, as well as two in-person trainings for technical school students who expressed interest in the project and its results.

The greatest achievement of the project was the creation of a partnership that resulted in an improvement in quality and alignment of the educational offer in the field of creating and using IT tools, which will assist in development. As part of the project, in cooperation with a Norwegian partner, a three-module training program in the use of 3D design tools was created and delivered either online or in person. An unintended outcome was the discovery of additional needs of potential training recipients. Training participants learned about new design tools that increase their professional chances, but most importantly, "unlock" their further technical-information technology education in the 3D area. For example, 53 people - training participants - have already signed up for the newsletter asking for information on future open trainings, confirming their continued interest in the topic. Several teachers and one training company expressed interest in using the training in the future - it is assumed that they, along with others in the future, are the best guarantee of the training''s long-term effect.

Summary of bilateral results

Since the partnership only involved an institution from the donor country (apart from the beneficiary), the description from section 4.1 is current and applicable here as well. In terms of partnership evaluation, we remain consistently impressed by the knowledge, experience, and insight of the Norwegian partner, as well as all the assessments, suggestions, and reviews we received from the partner during the project. Their value in the project is invaluable. Facing the perspectives of foreigners from different educational and communication cultures (here, I primarily refer to the experiences of the partner in the USA and Norway) leads to a change in the language we use in our educational materials. Additionally, the partner shares with us their resources - procedures, ways of documenting the educational process, and the concept of creating materials. Twice during the project, we had additional, informal meetings with the partner and strengthened our ties and relationships, which gives hope for future cooperation independent of the project. Such cooperation is already forming at a formal level - together with the partner, we prepared subsequent project proposals and plan cooperation in future funded projects. We also recognize (from both sides) the potential for commercial cooperation, which will be possible after freeing up human resources - after the project ends, in terms of creating models for the partner''s software needs and cooperation in implementing educational 3D software in the future.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.